I'm Not Your Buddy Guy

Hey Joe, maybe math was not your strong suit but "two and a half hours, two and a half hours plus" is not a range. Please tell me there is some upper bound less than four hours.

Saw the trailer today, not a fan of comic book movies but this looked pretty good. (I was more of a DC than Marvel kid growing up so I'm naturally more interested in these characters). Why isn't Superman in this?

Steve Gadd on "Aja" (the song) came to my mind, too. Just wonderfully expressive drum solos that repeat with gathering intensity. Lots of good examples on that album.

So which network is going to be the first to offer Juice and Cosby a reality show?

Add to that he was doing prolific amounts of coke at the time. And was apparently a violent and abusive asshole to start with.

I don't wish unhappiness and early death even on Nickelback. Retirement would be fine. RIP.

I'll say it. American Dad is a good show, and Family Guy and Ted have their moments. I'm not a fan of everything he does by a long shot but The Orville looks like it might be in my sweet spot (or at least close enough to watch an ep or two).

(What chain is that? My folks are from NC and I've spent time there but I don't know what restaurant you're referring to).

Huh? It's a trilogy.

Finally reading The Long Ships after getting many, many recommendations over the years (including a lot here on AV Club), plus A Country of Vast Designs about the Polk Administration. Really enjoying them both.

Because you clearly were.

If everyone in America who likes Ann Coulter will visit my GoFundMe page and contribute just $1, we may be able to get her entire $30 back!

Yep made the exact same comment. That will teach me to check the comments section first!

Tried Charly Bliss but what the heck is with those vocals? It sounds like a ten year old girl using Autotune. I think I'd enjoy the album if it was instrumental but that singer is unlistenable to my ears.

I'm losing interest in the prequel. One, the actors are aging to the point where suspension of disbelief is becoming impossible. Two, the stakes are low since we already know where this will end up. Three, there is too much "fan service" in constantly showing us little tie-ins to the Breaking Bad universe. I was

I'm not sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I see a nipple.

The correct answer is Sniff 'n' the Tears, "Driver's Seat."

Forever Changes is amazing but damn 1967. Sgt. Pepper, Are You Experienced?, Disraeli Gears, Piper at the Gates of Dawn, Surrealistic Pillow, Axis Bold as Love. Not to mention the Velvet fucking Underground (not that anyone noticed in 1967).

For me it's because the songs are *about* things that I cared about as a young rock listener (and still care about).. girls, heartache, friends, girls, etc. I enjoy Sgt. Pepper on an academic level but few of its songs resonate emotionally for me.

This sounds like a neat documentary (particularly for those of us who want to be educated on the topic without watching a myriad of DVD extras). Even the review makes it sound better than a C.