run a 2 or 3 bike rack off the hitch, put four on it and as long as the outboard bike is strapped in the other three dont need to be. Been doing it for years and never had any trouble on the 2 hour drive to where we ride
run a 2 or 3 bike rack off the hitch, put four on it and as long as the outboard bike is strapped in the other three dont need to be. Been doing it for years and never had any trouble on the 2 hour drive to where we ride
great ad that you just tricked us into reading. I hope you made some good commission on it.
who was shopping for an NSX before this was on the way?
I’d like to see the pics!
i’m gonna need the entire iternet to give you stars right now
you compared a base model ranger’s towing to maximum towing capacity of the f150 at the time.
youre off the mark man just stop
or they specifically left them on to infer plausable deniability. “come on if I knew they were stolen wouldn’t I paint them or make any attempt to hide them? give me a slap on the wrist and i’ll keep 99% of the earnings from the stolen goods”
They dont care. Have a great day
4th: Nissan isnt viable either way
thats the way ford sends them at first. All the rangers were 40+k lariats with no tow hitches and they were back ordered 7 months
to be fair Jeff Gordon is always crying
we had a sales guy sell an FWD Explorer thinking that it meand Four Wheel Drive. The people didnt notice until a few years later when they were stuck in their friends icy driveway
that explains why the performance challenger and chargers were such a fail then.
yea it was dumb of him to want a supercharged engine with 900hp. He must have forgot about the “inherent loss” making that impossible
he said nothing about NA but glad everyone forgot about supercharging
You might also have noticed that the 442 lb-ft torque figure, which is made all the way down at 1,400 RPM, is lower than the 480 lb-ft on the Ram. According to Milo, this is the result of the Wrangler having a rear differential with a smaller ring gear and thus lower torque capacity than that of the DT Ram.
The system cost $40 million to develop and was deployed aboard the floating base USS Ponce in 2014. Although fully operational and combat-ready, LaWS wasn’t fired in combat.
Okay boomer