
fiat Chrysler wont even own fiat Chrysler in 2022

no shit, hes basically just another sales manager.. literally, by definition.. he manages 4 people who help him make sales.. sales manager

so he’s smart, effecient, and doesn’t put his customers in bad situations because he wants their repeat business.

You should turn in your log in credentials. You have a bad opinion backed up by bad facts

other than the headlights I dont see a difference

You can make cars have more power than stock? I dunno man

but leave some offroad tires on it

Not really.. This dealer is just stupid. If one of my customers comes in with something that’s gonna be covered under warrantee, I want to fix it so I can get paid on it. I have nothing to gain from using the tactic you stated. this guy was under warrantee. he didnt buy a used truck.

it’s going to follow it up with a 1,200hp AWD, 35 passenger bus

more like one 195/75/14

Thats the entire point of the wrap on the car

we swapped it in from another dealer, runner didnt notice it and the original dealer should have contacted ford but they didnt. So it was up to us to pay for it or convince the customer its a “free upgrade”

haha aparently not. The guy that took the edge in appraised it with full leather interior. never looked at the rest of it. I remember when we sold the edge new and the guy that bought it didnt mind since they upgraded just the drivers seat to leather he only paid for cloth

is the ford thing common? I have an edge on our lot with one leather seat right now lol

creating another account because I have but one star to give

looks like a nissan

you can hand out xplan to anyone you know?? didn’t know that being a Ford Salesman

screw people out of thousands of dollars each. Then when you get in trouble paying back 130mil to 800,000 people seems like alot, but really your paying them less than $200 each.. so profit.

it’s about as related to your mazda as your mazdas is to the 2.3l ecoboost motor thats based on the 2.0 ecoboost motor

and your mazda speed engine is also related to the mustang SVO ingine and the murker xr4ti engine