Why are drivers such entitled pieces of shit?
Why are drivers such entitled pieces of shit?
I don’t give a fuck what Elway says I want this motherfucker on the Broncos.
Please GM, give those of us in the US the Eurospec version without the cladding!!!, PLEASE!!!!!
Chicago has a pretty good system of bike lanes and routes. And lots of riders, too.
There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about how Izzo has handled things
As you and every rational person on earth should. The Nassar fubar will ruin the university for decades, and they have nobody to blame for it but themselves.
ESPN’s nonstop coverage, without any actual real investigative work, is what made the Duke Lacrosse scandal a scandal.
Oh good, the Michigan State child sexual assault fan rears his head again
Seriously, this is ESPN being ESPN. Their reporting is awful, and they never own up to their mistakes. I mean, we’ve all heard of Duke Lacrosse and Bernie Fine, right?
I think this is a transcript as related by somebody else in the room:
Trump’s going to have to do a lot worse to match Bush’s death toll, so in a very real, material way — the one that matters, not some vague idealistic notion of a “moral man” — I’d say GWB sullied the office just fine on his own. And his AIDS funding was tied to abstinence-only education and the bullshit paternalism so…
Lol Bush really demonstrated “decency” when he waged an illegal war that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, or, hey, if we want to keep it local, was responsible for the disastrous Katrina relief efforts, unfettered spying on American citizens, and amping up hatred against LGBT people. FFS. He was not a…
Yes, dammit. Nobody who brags about being “bipartisan” gets any support from me.
The dissociation between congressional approval ratings and the power of incumbency is one of the most maddening things about this stupid country.
Funny how his ‘I can’t hear yous’ and ‘I’m not getting anythings’ happen during the interviewer’s pauses.
Money laundering, wire fraud, tax evasion, things like that. The entire system is a conspiracy to commit tax evasion, but the ringleader of the racket is the NCAA which prevents players from claiming their income legally.
Ya got that right. It’s a nightmare.
Protip: You can’t call Michigan roads “roads” any more. It’s just a collection of potholes with some flat asphalt in between.
morons can’t even stereotype correctly.