Stevie Welles

Indeed. Our 2013 Ecoboost Flex has been a joy. Fits the kids and all their stuff. Massive legroom for abnormally tall me. Excellent sleeper. Fastest car I’ve ever owned and it amuses me every time I hit the onramp.

I’m 6'5" and literally laughed when I attempted to sit in it.

I attempted to sit in one of these once. It was physically painful. They are actively hostile towards tall people.

Somebody tell these people House of Cards is a fictional TV show.

I’ll start caring about this when the league stops calling ridiculous fouls on contact initiated by the ball handler. Crowding a shooter is like the last tool left for defenders and because a star re-injured his already busted up ankle we’re talking about making shot contesting illegal? Come on man.

“Fuck unions, just pass laws.” This is perhaps the most breathtakingly stupid comment I’ve seen in some time.

Collective extortion scheme is the game bosses play, not workers.

My 2000 Land Cruiser died in a left turn lane at a busy intersection on my way to buy a new battery. Some people laughed at me, but many actually offered to help me jump it! My faith in humanity was briefly restored. But even my oldish Land Cruiser is likely viewed as a “nice” car. I think your story points out how

Trump’s biggest gift to our country is the efficiency with which he has laid bare how much of our politics are about eating shit. People that “respect our institutions” and keep voting for rich assholes to represent them have been eating well-seasoned shit their entire lives. Trump took away all your spices.

It’s almost as if these people get these positions because they are rich and connected and in spite of the fact that they aren’t remotely qualified.

Great read. I feel like this guy is headed for trouble again. He’s smart and a manipulator. Possibly sociopathic. Getting “counseled” at church is probably a cover. Unless he gets real help, he’s likely headed for a similar situation.

My only hope is that these absurd salaries will hasten the demise of the “student-athlete” scam. If they wanted to salvage what dignity the game has left, they could simply pay the players and institute a salary cap for coaches.

I really hate when parents put videos of their kids crying on Youtube.

It’s like Nissan just turned off the lights and hibernated for the last decade. Strange.

As feared, Leblanc is a boring frontman. That’s my only significant criticism.

He already has bikes so what does he want a crappy car for?

It’s fascinating when mommy bloggers realize they are performing. It can be a crushing blow to the ego when the id looks in a social media mirror and sees nothing but sponsored posts staring back at it.

I like it, but I question the logic of introducing a sedan in this market as one of your first vehicles. “Hey, what’s the most rapidly shrinking segment in the automotive industry? Let’s build one of those!”

You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.