
I don’t think what the SWA employee did was profressional, so in that sense, yeah they were in the wrong. But i’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still laughing at the name 5 minutes after reading the headline.  

Beat me to it. 

Well, if it’s dead just replace the batteries.

Renown. Of course on the 787b, but just in general it’s awesome.

Moments later...

Is this guy ok? He looks like a wax stand in.

2 things,

I didn’t even know this was a thing. Thank you.

I will be extremely disappointed if this doesn’t get COTD.

Any alarmingly loud Pop, Bang, Whiz, or Grinding noise. 

I bet they pull some great pranks at Wayne State.

Boy, I bet being in one of those tests sure makes you feel alive.

If this was florida I’d roll my eyes and be annoyed, but since it’s Australia I’m totally fine with it. Why is it charming when aussies do it, and insufferable when americans do it. 


Play Doh for adults.

The side view was pretty meh in my opinion, but it does looks pretty great from the front and back.

Plate Tectonics and Population Density sounds like the name of a math rock album.

Didn’t use his blinker... All jokes aside, that was a very clean landing. 

I can hear the truck driver now... “Awwww nuts

Looks a lot like an rx8 in the first picture.