Why should they? 75% of their game will be held back as DLC at release. I say this as a fan of most of Paradox’s games and an ardent purchaser of said DLCs.
That fucking name guarantees us a tell-all memoir in about 25 years. And, seriously, those two are so far up their own asses I hope the kid ditches them the second the trust fund (if daddy doesn’t tweet that into the shitter) is released. Narcissists shouldn’t breed.
Did this REALLY affect anyone’s purchase decision? I wasn’t gonna buy it before and I’m not now.
Fallout 76 continues to be mediocre at best, story at... Oh, that’s the whole story. Carry on.
I cannot believe this.
Even the poster for this film features Ford looking into the camera with a face that says nothing but, “how did my career tank this badly to land me with this shit”.
“It’s a mind virus, the idea that publishers should own the customer or have a monopoly on the customer relationship through some form of login and ecommerce, and that’s just a bad idea,”
It wasn’t that bad. It was far from good, but I’ve seen worse. I mean, have you seen Batman vs Superman?
Meanwhile, the Hague recently requested that Netflix remove 6 Underground from its catalog after designating the film a war crime.
I hope there’s a meaty flashback to Batman’s childhood. I’ve always wondered what horrible trauma he must’ve endured to become such a twisted, vengeance-dealing adult. What I’m saying is, I want a Batman movie that shows us why he became the bat, not just how. And I want the movie to spend as much time there as…
Dang, that’s going to increase my annual EA expenditures by $0.00!
EA can suck it! Trash company run by moronic assclowns! Time to go back to just pirating games from this company!
A terrorist POS, financed by money OBAMA gave him, is dead. I’ll take that 6 days a week and twice on Sunday.
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This is just Cats with updated CG. Every week they change it. Next week it’s going to be The Turning.
Every time The Seer pops back up, I have to laugh. It really does seem like one of those things where they were like, ‘Oh, and then he kills The Seer! Daaaamn, then everybody will know that he means business! We’re doing it!”. Flash forward six months, “Shit shit shit, why did we kill The Seer?!”.
It starts out really strong but kind of loses its way in season 4
A Ja-fakin’ named Chet. *Sigh. Sounds about white.
This seems to be pointless. I’ve been using a device known as “The Straw” for all my drinking needs when I don’t want to lift a cup up into a vision obstructing manner.