No parent should have to bury their own child. And those who have a hand in such a death deserve more than 11 years, he probably will only do 8 with good behaviour. How is that a fair trade-off for taking a life?
No parent should have to bury their own child. And those who have a hand in such a death deserve more than 11 years, he probably will only do 8 with good behaviour. How is that a fair trade-off for taking a life?
There’s 30 “people” with that name, chief, no way to narrow it down, chief.
Stiff pnealties are not enough. Guillotine and public executions are the way. If they know there’ll be REAL consequences (losing your head), they’ll think twice. Unless they’re really, REALLY dumb.
He’s probably a fed, he’ll deny it to his dying breath like the good little lapdog he is.
Kamala says HI!
And yet you keep voting in the same cretins over and over perpetuating the situation. You’re all just as guilty as them.
Yes. If you choose to sell drugs and people die, you should be punished. We should reintroduce the guillotine and public executions, that’ll deter a lot of them.
Funny how that goes. So much for equality, eh?
He could’ve given up the head honcho but chose to take the years. Not as if he isn’t guilty, though. The punishment is far too lenient if you ask me.
Look at this apologist GO! You always have a choice. ALWAYS. He just chose to deal drugs and didn’t care that his client was overdoing it because he was a greedy cunt concerned only with money. They should’ve just locked him up and thrown away the key, fed him a bit of water and bread every three days if you could…
We’re not afraid. We’re disgusted.
Nice one, defending the known pedophiles and groomers.
Give me more reason to stay away from this degeneracy, why don’t you.
You’re implying that this jude was ever sound of mind.
Death to all degenerates.
Ubishit can’t make good games any more. All they can do well isfleece their customers for everything they got.
Women and killing their kids, a never-ending love story.
Juden putting out something that kills people? SAY IT AIN’T SO!
Yes. Stupidity is endemic.