
Well they are cheapskates who can’t even bother fixing that damned bell.

I am referring to other games.

My mom sold my NES and 50 games including Gold Cart Zelda and Zelda II, working Rob the Robot and Gyromite. I checked recently, I had three games that would pay off my student loans now...

He was referring to using chemical weapons on civilian centers, something that Assad has allegedly done. Hitler never dropped chemical weapons on civilian centers even though he had the capability and his generals wanted him to.

This was the point that Spicer was poorly trying to make.

Vodka you say? Are you a Russian spy?

Oh come on. He is obviously talking about using chemical weapons in battlefield situations or on civilian population centers. Hitler never did that. Hitler himself was exposed to mustard gas in WWI which was why he never considered using chemical weapons in battlefield situations, even as the allies were marching

Why couldn’t Bell have blocked out? :(

In all seriousness, do these allegations have any impact on this most recent season?

Liam’s Loyalty mission was the high water mark for me. The Sci-Fi references and dialogue right out of Firefly won me over. The conclusion of Ryder Family Memories where the connection to the original trilogy happens was also satisfying.

To be fair, there is a plot specific reason for that. Not only are they in a relatively small section of the galaxy compared to previous games, there is also a reason there is so little life there.

This was a great game. It laid a foundation for a new Trilogy with a smaller, self contained story. I’m looking forward to whatever comes next.

This is why I would give my kid their own account... period. If I had a kid that is. I’m so scared of one deleting my Warcraft account that I’ve decided not to procreate.

AP 1944: Kendall Jenner gives Hitler a Pepsi to end World War 2.

Sounds like this was the airfield where the chemical attack was launched from. Presumably, the hope is that more chemical weapons that were stockpiled at the location were destroyed. Syria is a lose lose situation. Evil crazy dictator backed by Russia vs. rebels that are backed by ISIS. That entire region is a

Doesn’t need to be on the same map. Just load into the ship, with the port viewable out the window.

The original Mass Effect games did the same thing.

The update allows you to skip the travel sequences in space. Though those landing and takeoff cutscenes are effectively the loading screens for the zones. Though I wish the ship would not take off when all I want to do is check my damn e-mail. Take off when I go to the galaxy map, not when I board the ship.

I find it ironic that the worst college sports scandals seem to happen to Christian Universities in Texas. You would think that if anyone would follow basic rules laid out in the Bible like “Don’t Murder” “Don’t Rape People” it would be Christians in Texas.

I for the most part am enjoying the game. My largest issue is the menu UI. Too much wasted space, too many sub menus to navigate and the “Tasks” subsection isn’t sorted by planet.

My major issues are that I have managed to softlock the game 4 times now each with differing levels of hilarity.

1) Got stuck in an

Can someone over there please change the title image or at least make this article stop popping up in the feed on the side. None of the Kinja sites are safe for work right now.