I have yet to see evidence that Russia did anything at all. So far the only information given has the exact same weight as WMDs in Iraq. So no, I don’t trust the american intelligence establishment because they have been utterly wrong before.
I have yet to see evidence that Russia did anything at all. So far the only information given has the exact same weight as WMDs in Iraq. So no, I don’t trust the american intelligence establishment because they have been utterly wrong before.
So Russia had no effect. The media did by over covering Trump. So this entire situation is basically Democrats having a tantrum. Got it.
So let me see if I understand this...
The U.S. allegedly exposed truth about Russian corruption, in response, the Russians allegedly exposed truth about US corruption.
Somehow knowing truth about corruption maybe possibly affected the outcome of the election, supposedly. So knowledge of truth made Trump win by…
Anonymous supports Trump. Where have you been? Trump represents a roadblock to left wing globalism. His presidency aligns with Anonymous’ goals.
That’s easy. This will solve the problem with endangered Bear and Wolf populations. Plenty of food to go around.
They are going to use this to go after sanctuary cities who are being defiant about enforcing immigration law. The Federal government has jurisdiction to enforce any federal law, that’s never changed.
Technically the FBI could walk into any Marijuana dispensary in California or Oregon and arrest everyone on drug…
Yup. Seems pretty much like standard operating procedure for a full party transition. I would have thought that the Ambassadors would have been prepared and expected this might happen regardless of the outcome of the election.
Professional diplomats would have expected this might happen. Political ambassadors who…
You realize even insinuating an assassination is a Federal crime right?
They can still call him Coach K too. The K stands for “Kicks”.
I look forward to Allen doing something stupid again. And having the conference suspend him.
You can’t change the rules to the game after the fact. Trump played by the rules. Had it been a popular vote, both candidates would not have left the state of California. So yes, my analogy is 100% accurate.
You don’t win the football game by getting the most yards. The rules of an election in the United States of America dictate that whoever scores the most electoral votes (points) wins.
Fumbling the ball 5 times inside the 10 (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida) generally doesn’t make up for all the yards…
Then again, you work for ESPN; you’d have to have sex with a donkey on-air to get fired at that channel.
I’m sure they do. I only know about this because Chip hadn’t hit the pension minimum yet when Oregon’s coach was fired. So it would be idiotic of him to leave the 49ers for the Oregon job.
The 49ers are trash. Nick Saban couldn’t get 3 wins with this team. It’s a sad state of affairs when you blame the coach when there is literally nothing he can do with the level of awful he has to coach. Too many injuries.
This is a perfect example of why we need fewer bowl games.
Ah, I misunderstood. I agree. Though I do believe that Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump.
The most votes matters in a true Democracy. Unfortunately America is a Republic. Getting the most yards doesn’t matter when you turn the ball over 4 times inside the 10 yard line.
I legitimately cried for Leonard Nimoy. I am bawling for Carrie.
Hey, at least I won’t have to follow sports until March Madness.