
Using examples:

California has 53 members of the House and 2 Senators.
Wyoming has 1 member of the House and 2 Senators.

This gives California massive voting power in the House while Wyoming has little say.

In the Senate, the states have equal representation which gives Wyoming an advantage.

The electoral college is the

So you advocate for there to be no states? That’s fine. I just want to make sure that you are fine with Washington D.C. being in control of your region. No governorships, no state level legislature, no state laws. Everything is Federal. That is what you are advocating for.

If there were no States with their own governments and interests, it would not be unbalanced to have a straight national popular vote. But we exist in a coalition of 50 smaller countries. No one country in that coalition can have the power to dictate what the other 49 do.

I’m using Wyoming as an example of a low population state. I could have just as easily used North Dakota, Montana or Alaska.

This is accurate which is why not a lot of republicans turn out in California. But a winner take all system benefits the democrats so it likely wouldn’t change. If electors were decided based on congressional district vote, with the 2 senate votes going to the popular vote winner of the state, California would be a

A true democracy is unbalanced. The electoral college, house and senate are all built to try and even things out as much as possible.

Some might argue that Hillary was the woefully unqualified one. My point being that the system in place is essentially a vote by the states themselves. Not by individuals. You are voting on who represents your state’s interests. I could write a lengthy essay on why the system that is in place is balanced.


And it worked as we didn’t get in Hillary.

You get a 1 to 1 vote regardless of what state you live in as you didn’t vote for Trump or Hillary. You voted on the guy from your district who is going to vote for them.

The House benefits high population states.

The Senate benefits low population states.

The president is voted on by a mix of the two.

That’s why we have a census every 10 years. It redistributes representation based on population. This is why California has 53 members of the house and 2 Senators, and Wyoming has 1

That wasn’t my argument. My argument was that people in urban centers have different values than people in rural areas. A national popular vote results in the rural areas no longer having any say. What is good for the market executive in San Francisco may not benefit the cattle rancher in Cheyenne. It doesn’t mean

I’ll let you ask the smaller states the give up their autonomy to the big boys.

Because Texas is a state.

The United States is composed of 50 countries, that have banded together to form a coalition that allows open borders and free trade between themselves. This is why you don’t need a passport to cross the California border, but why you also can’t bring in raw fruit. Each state has it’s own

Then you completely miss the point of the electoral college. True democracy does not work. You end up with mob rule 100% of the time.

Would it be fair for Wyoming and California to have the same representation in the house?

What about in the Senate?

The President is determined using the exact same proportions as the

If electoral votes were divided by congressional district as you propose, Trump would have won by a larger margin. The way it is now actually benefits urban centers. Look at Illinois, that state had one blue county. That county happened to be Chicago. If you gave out electoral votes by congressional district,

“Jesus, haven’t we faught enough over lifeless bodies talent?”

Since a 34 state majority would be required to dump it, it will never happen.

I subtracted California’s totals from the National total. Doing so gives Trump a 1 million vote margin. Which is indicative of a large enough swing in terms of raw numbers to demonstrate my point.

But is the population of California really representative of the desires of the population of Wyoming? Like it or not, Wyoming is very important to the overall economy of the US. If you solely base nationally relevant votes on the popular vote, then every single vote would be carried by 4 states.

This is why you