
I hope she wears a burka tomorrow just to prove a point.

“Nobody expects Kanye!”

Honest question, does the narrative imply that the main quest is complete? Or is this something akin to a major side quest that you can undertake during the main story?

I really am interested in the direction that the MCU is taking, fewer solo films and more team films. Doctor Strange will be the first film to break the established Timeline. I think the film will take place over the course of several years as Strange is in the East learning magic. We will get hints of the greater MCU

Much better in 2D. The 3D was less jarring in the second half of the film. But that entire opening sequence was rough in 3D

Chris Evans was gone for a full 12 minutes of Winter Soldier. During the entire sequence where Nick Fury investigates the satellites,talks to the security counsel and then goes through that giant car chase. No Cap in sight for that entire sequence.

TIE Fighter was my favorite video game as a kid. X-Wing was cool and all, but TIE Fighter was such a step up.

I’ve been going back and clearing out old content that I never did. Leveling new alts through zones that I skipped. And all the while, passively earned nearly 3 million gold from garrison missions. Considering I started Warlords with 41,000 gold, I think I’m doing quite well...

Rosana Pansino streamed in addition to producing her Youtube show. She turned that show into a New York Times best selling cookbook. HuskyStarcraft quit streaming and youtube altogether to be her manager.

Nintendo sadly is an archaic corporation literally 5 years behind Sony and Microsoft. Look at Nintendo’s treatment of Youtube content as an example. Can you imagine how many more Wii Us might have been sold if Let’s Plays didn’t immediately get flagged? There is major culture clash happening between the Japan and US

The addition of keys and mandatory boss battles is a game changer. Using red coins to spawn a key adds a whole new dynamic to exploration based level design. I wish that they would add those scary as fuck floating mask things from SMB2 that chased you when you had a key.

Yeah, I knew it was corny, but I expected nothing less. It was a natural continuation of the old show, but it did have something the old show didn’t have, an ongoing (although shallow) arc. There were consequences and call backs to earlier episodes which is something the old show never did.

For everything that people don’t like about him, I will say that he was instrumental in the decision to maintain video games as an art form. Several years back California tried to censor violent video games and Scalia was one of the judges who made it clear that free speech applied to violent games too and it was the

Fuck Kanye. There, I said it.

This recently happened to me as well. They asked why I was looking for a different job. I was honest, the current job is not fulfilling and laden in unneeded inefficiency that makes it difficult to feel like work is actually getting done. They passed despite my history, references and qualifications.

They should probably read the Bible more.

Just to be clear, Baylor is supposed to be Christian school right?

Compared to black eyed peas this was amazing. Part of the problem was you couldn’t do insane lighting displays cause it was still 5:30 on the West coast and the sun had not set yet. Personally, I think they could have thrown in one or two more artists. Could you imagine if Taylor Swift showed up in the other end zone

That’s my local paper... I would have convicted that cop for unsafe handling of a firearm. He’s all holding it sideways like a gangsta. No excuse for that crap.

5 Dollars says he goes to the Titans and wins a playoff game before the Eagles do.