
He's preeeeeeettttaaaaaay, preeeeeettttaaaaaay, preeeeeetttaaaaaay, pretty good.

God is sufficient? Is that a thing? It sounds like something from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Like how’s your god? “Eh, he’s ok I guess... I don’t know, he’s so-so. He’s sufficient.”

Parents ok’d it, friends ok’d it, girlfriend is dead, boyfriend is sad. But no, wait, Kara Brown says it’s not ok.

Shouldn't his PR team be making sure he uses a #basicbitch filter or something?

Welp, I bit this one...

No, my girlfriend splits the bill like a regular functioning adult 👍🏻

Have fun never going on a second date.

Bitch he’s Madonna(‘s brother)

If that’s what you’re hoping for, I don’t think you have like, a prayer.

Papa don't preach.

Ummm...this is her best outfit for court? Hellllloooooooo