
Why do all your posts,

Is she Mephisto? Is she Nightmare? Is she Master Pandemonium?

RE: the Mr. El Moussa tat and its subsequent provenance... oh lawd.

He also knows what he is losing in Kim.”

You also have to bury the body at a crossroads so he won’t know which way to go.

Let’s just remember that Hellblazer: Son of Man, is easily one of the best graphic comic series for Constantine, and will definitely, never, ever, be filmed.

Are you somehow implying that Constantine isnt amazing? We had 3 sherlocks going at the same time so why couldnt we have a more intoxicated magical sherlock? Also I love Matt Ryan as Constantine

You gon have to tell more about this golden age when police were helpful and courteous

People forget the president is not a dictator. Did we not just witness this?

Northam should just remove the damn statue and then let them sue him to get it reinstalled. While they are awaiting another court order for more bullshit, he can have it melted down so that there is no longer a statue to argue about. Why? Because quite honestly, thats how they operate. And by they I mean white

Callousness. Psychopathy. Entrenched dehumanization of Black people. You can’t ever reform this. There are no good cops. None. 

I’m loving the idea that a group of folks can sign an agreement with the state that forces the state to keep a statue “forever.”

The biggest thing connecting Moonstone and Carol in the comics is that they look a bit alike, which is why Norman Osborn could dress up Sofen as Captain Marvel in his all-villain Avengers team. Since Ms. Ashton isn’t exactly a dead ringer for Brie Larson, and given Marvel’s track record with actresses of color, she’s

American policing is fundamentally broken.

Meanwhile, if you’re Black and give your mom’s address and they find out you ain’t there...

Don’t forget...

Maybe its me, but I’m failing to understand the relevance of the comment.

That’s exactly the problem. It hadn’t been at its best since season 5 (was Jennifer Morrison season 6? That’s when it starts to drag and every new renewal felt like a kick in the balls) but it would still pull out the occasional episode to remind you what it was capable of - Robin’s children “flashfoward” for example.

Damn Inhumans was bad. I fast forward watched just to complete it after it kept getting worse and worse. 

If we’re being honest, the show as never that good to begin with. It started out with an interesting premise in the first couple of seasons, but it was way too chickenshit to actually let that premise play out.