No they do not. It’s not in the job description. You’re confusing cops with physicians, for whom saving lives is in the job description. A cop’s job is to uphold the law. You should lay off the weed for a while.
From Gawker... sure sounds like it anyway: bunch of self-righteous, sanctimonious people who all think exactly the same, and feel that they are qualified to tell others how they should think.
How many lives have you saved in your lifetime, potty mouth? Please tell the world. Are you possible a trauma surgeon? A first responder of any kind? You’re so quick to judge and condemn others... What gives you the moral high ground? What actions have you done that make you qualified to judge others?
You do take yourself very seriously, don’t you? Who really cares if the guy is a heartless dick? Nothing he or you our I say with ever change anything. What is the point of your continuous, profanity-laced tirades? Do you get off yelling at strangers (it’s all you do in these comment threads)? Does that make you feel…
What GarThwe does is swear at complete strangers. I almost every post he makes. This makes him an upstanding citizen and member of society, qualified to pass judgement on all others.
The narcissism runs strong in this one. Or at least that’s how your article comes across: “Look at me!!!”
Insensitive to who? The settlers being shot at or the natives doing the shooting?
You can pick whatever your emotions tell you to pick, but the numbers say Viper:
Fiat Chrysler? GMC Saab?
According to the trends in these two analyses, the rate of traffic deaths in the U.S. should be skyrocketing as trust in the government plummets and our society deteriorates. But it’s not, so there’s something else at work here that this study is missing. I have no clue what it could be though...
He should transfer to a real college and study something that will make him a valuable contributor to society, instead of wasting time on horseshit classes like this.
The Massachusetts Environmental Police have been using them for a while. Nice looking trucks. The Ford police packages also come with different lighting circuits, including the ability to open the doors without the interior lights coming on.
“Because these little hot rods are more fun than a barrel of molly and cheap hookers.”
Oh please, stop with the liberal, politically correct, enlightened, savior of the world, Utopian, “everybody should be able to do everything” crap. Go post that millennial horseshit on Gawker.
How about the guys driving $500,000+ exotic supercars that get 8mpg and complain about gas prices and taxes? Are they equally ignorant in your eyes? How about the guy that drives an old beater that gets 10mpg and complains about the price of gas and taxes? Equally ignorant in your hyperintelligent, superior eyes?
You may think you are enlightened and progressive, but you sound like an intolerant dickhead. And being accepting of only those who agree with you is NOT tolerance. You must have had a run in with a red neck early on in life and come out the worse for it. Recommend you go hang out with Alissa Walker in an overcrowded…
Don’t be so negative. Try to be positive about the whole thing.
Imagine the fun you could have with a handful of mirrors...
I prefer to waste time with this:…