
To be fair, I’m just as tired of all the EV cars with their plates bragging about the EV’ness.

It costs more for Ford and Chevy to make each vehicle than the other companies, even though they are using cheaper components, mainly because the employee costs are 44% higher.

Police did not identify speed as a primary factor in any of the 14 fatal crashes on 75 mph freeways in 2018

I always thought these arguments are dumb. Do you always use every feature of your car? Did you buy a 4 door, but spend 90% of your time with just you in it? Did you buy a WRX and literally never rally it? Did you get a GTI but only very occasionally drive sportingly? Does your minivan really get all 7 seats used?

To a couple of your points...

Where do you live that you can buy a $500K house with only $120K annual gross household income?

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo Urus dude. 

Keep the Element.

This is the shittiest fucking take possible.

Subaru fanboys disagree, or maybe I missed a joke and it went right over my head... gasket...

Actually he did that before the article came out — which is one of the reasons that is the one story I refuse to group in with the #metoo stuff, and he’s the one person I think whose career should be minimally effected by this. He reached out to her the day after their date to see how she was, she told him she felt

Isn’t that what Aziz Ansari did immediately following the article that tanked him - it was said he reached back out to the woman and apologized personally and profusely - and yet... he’s still not forgiven?

If Jalopnik doesn’t do an entire article on the post $kaycog just made, I will be very disappointed.

This is to tell you all that I will not be posting “lovely lady” awards any longer.  I’ve been doing it for almost ten years and have decided to hang it up. 

I’ll be honest: I dig the first-gen Durango.

Why not just get a used off roader beater for wheelin adventures, so you can trash it and not feel bad!

This is a great point. If you don’t want to have a car payment. Find a mechanic who can prioritize repairs, buy a 10-12 year old base model car, and roll it every 1-2 years.

Gap insurance next time?

But they would have to admit they were wrong.