Anti-counter counterpoint: Some vehicles are Lambos. But only if you’re pretty sure.
Anti-counter counterpoint: Some vehicles are Lambos. But only if you’re pretty sure.
Counterpoint: they’re all Wranglers.
Still waiting for my arcologies to show up.
So you mean this, but for batteries? I approve.
was literally looking for this EXACT image! I was like hey that reminds me of that weird impreza variant that proves there is a devil...
Back to the grey with you!
Too much front brake bias would lock front wheels first, not lift the rear tires off the ground. Any racer can tell you that. This is a weight distribution problem only.
I live in Pittsburgh. First and foremost they would be driving like Jagoffs, not asshats. Second, I see them driving all over and I’ve never seen any major malfunctions other than the fact that they drive incredibly slowly. Think grandma coming home from church slow. They also have a tendency to slam on their brakes…
You’re talking function and practicality, I’m talking style here.
For everyone who thinks they’re so clever spouting off about head gasket issues, this particular Sube is running the 1.8L engine, which was not plagued by head gasket issues, which are endemic to the 2.5L engines. The reason that it briefly blows blue smoke is because of a design issue with the 1.8, namely that on…
If you’re broke after buying a $700 phone, the problem is 100% not the phone.
What am I
Right! That thing looks like it’d be a lot of fun, and a way better use of $100K.
They were all over (the NSXs) Polaris, Easton, up and down 315, downtown Dublin and mainly staid on the north side though. I saw at least four of them a red, silver, white, and blue but supposedly there was a black one running around also. Though we do get some odd balls too, Ford and GM run up and down 23 alot…
This just in! A rarely driven car owned by a caring, well funded owner is in great shape! In other news, water is blue, except for in Rio where it can be green, brown, or various shades of gray.
You’re the guy from the thing!
Reading your comment, I was like okay, good, uhumm ok... wait what? you don’t have a cell phone?
rattles abound
My toilet seat definitely warms up a bit.