Steve Zissou

...but that’s exactly what the guys from Tonga and Mexico said too, and he took twice as long to finish the course than everyone else. How is she different from him? Or do you feel the same about him?

Well done steak with ketchup...lack of impulse calling...and now I’ve finally noticed...he even smiles like a child.

I...I wanted to punch my computer screen in just the 1.5 minutes of that show I just saw. People voluntarily watch her for 30 minutes/day?

The “normal” shorter hill has them all going over 100m. You think you could fly the length of a football field and land on your feet ever in your life? No.

thank you for reminding me about tempranillos.

...that feeling when you realize you’re almost 31 and are therefor very much so one of the “old people”.

“somehow racing again tonight”? Dude only ran a mile.

As long as Pederson doesn’t turn into a obstructive, obtuse jerk; Wentz doesn’t go into a snake oil sales partnership with an idiot; Lurie doesn’t suddenly become one of Trump’s BFFs, and they don’t all get caught in various forms of cheating over the years...I’ll be ok with them winning 3 Super Bowls.

must be nice.

Yeah, I understand the basic premise here, but if you’re investing and she’s got no interest and you aren’t planning the financial future of it all together...what’s to say one of you doesn’t spend all their money while the other is saving for retirement? Like...don’t you have to be sharing that discussion/burden/plan

No. No it does not. It has the same old 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine you’d find in a later NA Miata, rated here at about 130 horsepower.

but the map’s full implications were only realized yesterday when Australian Twitter user Nathan Ruser chewed over his dad’s comment that the map was an international guide to the locations of “rich white people.”

Current warranty for the 2017 leaf is 8 years/100,000 miles. So, assuming some sort of engineering margin is included so they don’t lose money and reputation replacing everyone’s packs...I’d say you can at least assume 10-15 years and 150,000+ miles.

Isn’t this why podcasts exist? Plenty of “get a load of this new story” podcasts out there. And you don’t have to get rid of your car to listen!

Hypothetically, even if two cells of the same voltage potential were touching, there would be absolutely zero impact, safety or otherwise.

Yes...removing chassis parts certainly won’t affect the integrity of the vehicle...


That “never having to be good a school to be a millionaire” thing really comes through here.