Steve Zissou

I linked to for average single family home HOA fees at 200-300 nationally. I do not personally have an HOA and have no interest in being part of one. Don’t ask where when I provide a link.

Lets see...$5000 in property value.

And the “national championship” is won by a team that didn’t even win their conference championship. Glad the playoff system worked out all the drama of illegitimate champions!


I would not recommend that either. Inflammation is a natural part of the recovery and growth process and by interrupting that you may be sabotaging your progress...

“Blocking the soreness may delay healing or may result in increased damage if more exercise is performed.”

I tried to use the “I’m paying cash give me a lower price” line. It didn’t work. Those loans are approved while you sit there same day, they win double if you use their financing, etc. Using “cash offer” as leverage is a dinosaur tactic at this point, or a tactic for the housing market...because you can legitimately

buying homes, or new cars, or diamond engagement rings, gyms, fabric softener, etc. etc.

Using the numbers in the “meme busted” guy’s video. He spent a couple grand on coca cola and $1500 on the drone he destroyed when he filled the pool with coke. Say that $4,000 total. Plus apparently 17 man-hours to fill it with coke by the “meme busted” guy’s estimate, but I’m sure he had help so it wasn’t actually 17

sub 3hr marathon

So basketball players all wear pants now, I guess?

Yeah...this guys reaction is exactly why this guy has a popular youtube channel. 1.) Spend money on expensive things. 2.) Destroy things. 3.) Upload to youtube for all the people to rage watch. 4.) Collect Youtube ad revenue from rage watches. 5.) Profit.

He’s wasting money, but he’s making money off of this. Look how

He’s going to get someone hurt someday? The other players reported to haved worked with him are Edelman, Gronk, Hightower, and Amendola. ALL of them have missed at least one game this year due to injury. Half of them had season ending injuries.

Hmm...I wonder why.

Yep. Like 2.5 Men and Everybody Love Raymond before it, The Ranch is inexplicably popular with people whose life experiences and sense of humor differ from mine. do you have full commentor status and I’m in the grays?

I think you mean moo point.

Hey, the model 3 wasn’t the third car they made either.

Hey...they literally detailed every car he owns. His 4x4 from high school and a Subaru Baja.