Steve Zissou

Yeah...this guys reaction is exactly why this guy has a popular youtube channel. 1.) Spend money on expensive things. 2.) Destroy things. 3.) Upload to youtube for all the people to rage watch. 4.) Collect Youtube ad revenue from rage watches. 5.) Profit.

He’s wasting money, but he’s making money off of this. Look how

He’s going to get someone hurt someday? The other players reported to haved worked with him are Edelman, Gronk, Hightower, and Amendola. ALL of them have missed at least one game this year due to injury. Half of them had season ending injuries.

Hmm...I wonder why.

Yep. Like 2.5 Men and Everybody Love Raymond before it, The Ranch is inexplicably popular with people whose life experiences and sense of humor differ from mine. do you have full commentor status and I’m in the grays?

I think you mean moo point.

Hey, the model 3 wasn’t the third car they made either.

Hey...they literally detailed every car he owns. His 4x4 from high school and a Subaru Baja.

All my life I’ve been searching for something
Something never comes never leads to nothing
Nothing satisfies but I’m getting close
Closer to the prize at the end of the rope
All night long I dream of the day

Now can we also have the wagon?

Lol. You’re the only person that’s replied to me?

Yeah...I can think Fiats are garbage cars I don’t want to own without it weighing on me or without telling everyone that owns one they’re a fool. Isn’t there a difference between having an opinion and being petty and argumentative? you go Prof.

...You missed the point entirely. My point is there are a lot of studies out there that are already thinking of the poors in this situation. Instead of writing an article that questioned aloud “what will happen to the poors” he could have read those studies and let us know what the research says it will cost.

I was going to direct you here

Hey, in the absence of Tesla being able to deliver adequate Model 3s all anyone can do is make opinions based on the Model S. That’s what all the preorders are based on...right? Model 3 opinions based on the Model S.

...And the Model 3 battery will be smaller, so the proportional power demand may be the same or higher (see: “C-rate”). And since the Model 3 will employ regenerative braking the braking can be as hard on the battery as accelerating (see: “root mean square current” and “lithium plating” and “during our test the brake