
Everyone is evil. But she stuck to her story and got some form of justice. I hope she sues them into bankrupcy!!!!

There's not a single part of this story that I can handle. Not one.

Horrifying-and I bet he had raped other elderly patients before. I hope that place is sued into oblivion. My elderly mom always has had a fantasy of going and living in an old folks home, for some reason. She is mentally ill and thinks that they are like spas, or deluxe hotels. I am keeping her in her apartment under

Agreed, the content of his quote is ridiculous- like a young actress wouldn't give a metaphoric nut to work with that cast and that director. Even an Oscar winning actress.

it sucks that they did this but what's worse: locking up rape victims to make sure they cooperate, and putting their rapists in jail, or allowing victims not to show up and another rapist walks free?

Daaaaaaamn, people are quick to jump on anyone who dare question the goodness of all-powerful JLaw. I'm with you though, he did phrase that in such a weird way. I don't see how starring in a movie like American Hustle is doing anyone a favor either.

Also she's making crazy paper. Having the luxury of a year off is a privilege not afforded to many.

I like her, I think she's got massive charisma. But she isn't doing a service to the world, teachers, doctors, care workers, mental health workers.... these people could also do with time off to recover.

I'm fairly certain I "stare in a sexual way" every time I see a brownie.

I love that too! "Then Justice Scalia asked..."


Ahhh yes, cause all roads lead back to black on black crimes, no exceptions.

Because when Black teens are shot by Black teens, they are normally convicted of murder in a court of law and can't claim they are threatened by an unarmed black teen. raccoon!

Because we don't teach it and I am willing to bet they never prepped for it either. This would be a good time to reference Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

Then why can't they send someone who can dress herself to talk to people?

This color and belt YES!! just perfect.

I agree with you 100%