
I'm not saying it's good or bad that this is how it works for awards show, I was merely explaining why HP was tweeting a card from Tom Ford. It's all very silly, the whole ritual actresses put themselves through to get dressed up for awards show but yeah, it's not just a matter of wearing said designer, you're wearing

I guess I just can't believe that's a thing. She wore a dress to an event. Full stop.

I think she looks great "for a shortie". Black and white is flattering to petite women. This issue is such a none-issue. I think buying is classier than borrowing and sending back with rips and stains and other bullshit. She can keep it and do what she wants with it. And nobody is talking about Naomi Watts,

Wow. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. It's a faux pas to purchase a dress that you like? Designers pick someone to dress and, if they don't pick you, you can't purchase a dress that they have for sale and wear it without committing a faux pas?!

Please stop treating Thatcher like a feminist icon (not Jez, but people in general). All it says is that your feminism throws poor woman and LGBTQ women under the bus. We already have quite enough of that.

If the advertiser was a "favored" brand, say Apple (which is hilarious considering how they outsource manufacturing to overseas factories with dangerous conditions), people would flip for this ad. But because its Microsoft, well, they can't do anything right so lets make fun of them and pick them apart, shall we?

1. Actually, Brooklyn 99 is an updated version of Barney Miller,but I guess this goes to show that the majority of the folks on here who've seen Brooklyn 99 have never even heard of Barney Miller - which is quite tragic in itself.

I feel it is the bushy eyebrows + weak chin + imperfect nose (wider at the bottom) that makes Cara Delevigne different. Sessilee Lopez is gorgeous, but as you said, the non-white models don't get a fair shot. She and Chanel Iman should be 10x bigger than they are.

Fuck Apatow. Having the Jessa character appear exactly as written with just a skosh of melanin would make it somehow less the story they're trying to tell?

That's a pretty big omission.

Actually, they are similar defenses, if you understand that similar doesn't mean "exactly the same". "Stand Your Ground" is a self-defense law.

Did you read the article you just commented on? Because the author did not say that Stand Your Ground was used. You did. Go back to Fox and Friends.

This situation makes me so depressed. This woman is a productive member of society. She had a doctorate. But to the toothless idiots in my native Florida, she's just another dangerous criminal. It took the jury 11 minutes to decide to send her to prison for the rest of her life. George Zimmerman, confirmed

My entire family is obese. And, I'm not saying obese to be mean; I'm a doctor and they medically fit the criteria for obesity. I see the way that people look at them when we all board a plane together. Quite honestly the only thing that holds me back from slapping those judgmental assholes in the face is that I