
As I’ve stated before - this show was cast. Psych work-ups as well as physicals and background checks were done on everyone in the cast - for insurance and to make sure they did not have someone with deep, psychological problems out on some remote island in Fiji. Varner was cast for a reason, just as Smith was. Shitty

it’s absurd to suggest they were always planning on outing him as they clearly would have the first time if that were the plan...

Smith volunteered to go into an exploitative genre for monetary gain - which meant that he surrendered control over his narrative. He sold himself out. CBS is led by Les Moonves, who said coverage of Donald Trump “may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.” So pardon me for not thinking that Varner’s the

I know complexities seem to elude you, but here goes: CBS and Survivor controlled the edit. They allow what is seen by the public - so they outed Smith as much as Varner did.

And they brought him back a second season because he was a fan be outed. Again, if you think CBS and Survivor were not going to use Smith being transgender too get ratings and publicity, you’re more of a corporate dupe than Trump’s supporters.

My stance has nothing to do with transphobia. It has to do with the reality that reality shows are about ratings. And Smith is about making a million. They will use each other to reach their goals. If Smith thought he could control his narrative while going for that dough, he’s learned his lesson. Too bad you’re as

Your logic is shoddy, so let me help: robbery, sexual assault and murder are crimes. No one has the right to commit those, and these actions can be prosecuted in a court of law. Revealing that someone is gay, lesbian or trans is not a crime.

Not insults, boo. Just assessments. CBS is in the business to make money by getting viewers. If Smith was too naive to think that a $1 million prize does not come with strings, he learned a valuable lesson in the company he was dealing with.

You go on a reality show, you give up the right to control your narrative. Why? Because, as the late, great Katharine Hepburn said, “How can you expect anyone to keep a secret when you can’t keep one yourself?”

THIS is the kind of network CBS is. So spare me your gullible delusions...

But the producers wanted this. And they controlled the edit. So, again, Varner was a pawn. Smith got outed, Survivor becomes relevant, we’re talking about, and CBS is very happy with this turn of events.

I’m going to type very slowly so maybe you’ll get it. Reality shows are all about buzz, drama, ratings, revenue and trying to stay relevant. Zeke was not outed before because he didn’t win - at which point he would have been outed. Because he was a fan favorite, he was brought back - but the minute he was cast, the

CBS and the Survivor producers did not have to air the reveal. I mean, they don’t air every time someone takes a wizz. But they made a choice. Based on their interests. And it worked: we’re talking about the show. 

And you’re ignoring reality. You go on a reality show, your private life is going to be exposed. Why? Because the reality show cares most about ratings, revenue and relevancy. So Zeke was either pathetically dumb or sadly naive if he thought something as noteworthy as his being transgender would not be exploited when

Educate me, please. oh wise one.

Oh, I agree totally! But you sign up for a reality show like Survivor, you have already pretty much agreed to be outed. Survivor’s agenda is not promoting LGBQT rights and understanding: Survivor is entertainment geared to get ratings and make money. It is pathetically naive or narcissistic to think otherwise -

My bet is that he informed the producers while being cast, knowing they would have had to do their due diligence before signing any contestant on (lest they sign on a convicted rapist or Neo-Nazi who could damage the show’s brand). The official version they’re giving sounds less cynical than the producers being eager

Ratings. Not airing the clip sacrifices ratings. Airing the clip means the public is now talking about it...and is more likely to tune in next week to view the aftermath.

But CBS could very reasonably argue that not airing the clip would damage the credibility of the show being “reality”. They could point to the fact that Zeke Smith signed up for Survivor twice, so he knew what the rules were. If the producers were seen as manipulating “reality” by not showing what really happened

So he’s smart. Good for him.