As much as I think all of these women deserve justice for being harassed and blackballed by O’Reilly, I can’t help but find them reprehensible for being cool with working with a racist/sexist as long as they weren’t targets of his actions.
As much as I think all of these women deserve justice for being harassed and blackballed by O’Reilly, I can’t help but find them reprehensible for being cool with working with a racist/sexist as long as they weren’t targets of his actions.
Jeremy should give lessons to the US media...
Oh, and he thinks voting is stupid - and uses lots of words to make himself seem logical. He and Susan Sarandon should hook up.
And I’m a former journalist. So we both know this is where “the story” differs from reality - which is often the case with the media. How a story is sold influences perception - but that doesn’t mean the story is telling what really happened.
Boo, Billboard’s trying to sell copies, get hits online and sell ad space - and “breaking records” makes a good headline, as it creates attention for the publication. Again, if it’s about appearances on hits, many back-up singers leave both Franklin and Minaj in the dust. As most of Minaj’s entries featured artists…
Please stop, Megan Reynolds, with the “Nicki breaking Aretha Franklin’s record” foolishness from Minaj’s PR team. Over half of “Minaj’s” hits are actually guest spots or shared headlining (Madonna, The Weeknd, Lil Wayne, Drake, etc.). Franklin has done a few duets (George Michael, Whitney Houston, Mary J. Blige), but…
Perhaps I should have differentiated “people from Detroit” from “people in Detroit”: having lived outside of the 313 (and the Mitten) for 90% of my adult life, there’s a pride I encounter with every Detroiter - whether I run into them in London, New York or Paris. Not that they got out - but that they survived it and…
Ditto. As Julie Burchill or Peter Hitchens said, Fry is a stupid person’s idea of what an intelligent person is.
Let’s differentiate between Michiganders and Detroiters. People from Detroit wear it as a badge of honor.
Representative Waters is NOT to be trifled with!
I lost respect for Minaj after she played for the Angolan dictator - whose country’s citizens live on dollars a day and who is guilty of human rights abuses:
Using the Minaj metric, many session singers and musicians outpace both Franklin and Minaj - as someone like Darlene Love has appeared on hundreds of hits as a background singer.
Nicki’s and Rihanna’s hits count them guesting on others’ hits (Eminem, Madonna, etc.) and as shared headliners (Kanye, Jay-Z , Young Money, etc.). The Queen of Soul and the King of Pop did a few duets, but over 90% of their hits tallied were as solo artists (I don’t believe the tally included MJ’s Jackson 5/Jacksons…
Sorry: fake news, Nicki Minaj. How many of these songs of Nicki’s had her as the sole lead artist? With the exception of a few duets with George Michael and Whitney Houston in the Eighties, Aretha headlined all her hits solo. Nicki guested on other people’s tracks (Madonna, etc.) or shared billing often with others,…
If racism is his go-to when he’s angry, that says something about him.
Have a head of state separate from head of government is actually very practical: it dispenses with getting overly involved with the private lives of your politicians. Americans are overly concerned with whether their politicians are married, if they exemplify family values, etc. Far better is to have a family who’s…
Then the question becomes: Should I accept Rachel Dolezal as black? This is not to trivialize your point, but you are asking more from people than ‘they should accept it and move on’. You’re expecting all cis-women to welcome to ‘the sisterhood of women’ - which is one of the biggest myths, as all women are not on the…
There are some straight men who will exclude me from their brotherhood, whatever their color, because of my sexuality. And there are some white men and men of other ethnicities who will exclude me from their brotherhood, because of my race. I have known the latter since age 5, the former since age 18. So I just focus…
I think, oddly, that looking at men can be helpful in understanding the schism between transgender women and cis-women. I’m a gay, black man. My struggle is different from that of a straight black man...and that of a gay white man. Thus, I consider myself having certain similarities with all men, no matter the…