
Uh, the thing about putting POC in films is to make them more interesting, for one thing: Burton schtick has grown tired - yeah, we get that he’s this weird white dude, but we sorta figured that out a few decades ago. He’s able to direct a film like Alice Wonderland or this one where all kinds of magic happens - but

“it’s because of the “wrecking crew” (Hal Blaine and Tommy Tedesco, for example...and Cher, filling out and lifting all the vocals.)”

You forgot to mention the incomparable Darlene Love - a criminal omission. Cher has one of my favorite voices in pop history...but Darlene is in a class by herself.

Awakened, Kirstie. Awakened.

I think Angelina’s been tabloid fare for the past decade: her weight, her pregnancies, constant rumors of her breaking up with Brad, her relationship with her father, her children. Now they’ll just change up the stories....

Who’s the new victim replacing Jen? A 12-year relationship broke up, albeit not amicably (or so it seems). During that relationship, their family grew through children who seemed to be loved by both parents. Both Brad and Angie seem to be far better off than when they started off, so the only one who should be pitied

Given that she shills for Vitamin Water while Angie has an Oscar and has been honored by Queen Elizabeth II, I wouldn’t say Jen can look down her nose at Angie...

I do know of quite a few Canadians who speak of conservative family members complaining about Asians coming into Canada. So I guess racism and Canadian conservatism aren’t mutually exclusive.

Hulk Hogan would disagree...

No, Denis Leary. Most racists do keep their mouths shut...afround people who don’t share their opinions, that is. They keep their racism on the down-low, which is what makes them even more dangerous.

And Elaine Irwin was a poor man’s Tatjana Patitz.

Joan Smalls, Sessilee Lopez and Jourdan Dunn all could have been in ‘Freedom 90': models of color always have to be a cut above, as they can’t depend on celebrity alone.

Now playing

Ooooh, remember that contraltos and altos age better (and are my favourite voices). Sopranos have a harder time. Witness Barbara Streisand: unlike R&B singers who have back-up singers on their recordings so that, as they age, the back-up singers can swoop in on tricky vocals performed live, most Streisand recordings

Especially when the white male cops responsible for the deaths of Walter Scott and LaQuan MacDonald are awaiting trial for murder. Bravo (Brava?) on checking this idiocy...

South Carolina ex-cop Michael Slager is awaiting trial for killing Walter Scott. And Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke is awaiting trial for first-degree murder in the death of LaQuan MacDonald. So, no: Shelby has been charged because she killed a man, not because they need to sacrifice a woman.

Her films have grossed $3.1 billion and she still can open a movie (if she’s not directing). Definitely A-list.

I’m similar to your friend. That’s why I could never understand American teenage girls who pride themselves on being a virgins while they’ve given blowjobs aplenty. Bumping uglies is less of a big deal to me that putting my mouth on someone down there: I’ve done the former far often than the latter...

Um, his old thug self made the track about Dee Barnes - because it boosted his street cred. His new self is allied with Apple, which hates bad publicity that comes with domestic violence. The old Dre would have never apologized to “the women I’ve hurt”; the new Dre doesn’t want to hurt the sales of Beats: http://www.ny

That makes sense. Considering that Suge needs the money and that he comes off here better than Dre, the motive could have been both financial as well as revenge from Suge.

Hillary’s a Scorpio, so it’s way too early for her birthday card. Is there some other Hillary being tweeted about? Or are they just being extra-prepared?