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I’d put good money on Jeremy Paxman. The Brits seem to do this better than the Yanks...

I don’t like casual clothes on men or women anchors. Then again, I HATE the chipper chit chat and pull-at-your-heartstrings manipulation of most TV news. I guess that’s why I get my news online...

So two idiots of different flavors get on together. I’m very happy not to share either one’s company...

Bill Maher is a name I’d keep off my résumé as a reference...

Given how the French were behind Catholic Ireland and Spain in granting marriage equality, I’d think you’d better check your sources on French Catholicism. Just as New York is not America, Paris is not France: Catholicism still has a strong grip on’s just more on the down-low than in Ireland, for example.

I’m pretty sure Roseanne and Joan Rivers had roasts....

With the lackluster quality of Maher’s HBO show, maybe he should lay off touring. Or give up the show. His glib, shallow TV work pales sadly with Oliver’s show...’re mad that she’s doing this? How do you know she’s not trying to do the things you’ve outlined? She’s broadening the discussion, which is one way of sparking action: African-Americans don’t have full protection of the law, and neither do LGBQT (and Lord help those who are both). Would you rather she do

Detroiter here. Lead-poisoned water was not a problem under previous governors when Flint used Detroit water. But Snyder-appointed Flint city managers decided to snatch the Flint contract from Detroit in order to weaken Detroit financially to the point that the State of Michigan could take control of the Detroit’s

Also, in the Language of Roses, yellow is the color of infidelity and jealousy. So this outfit was definitely well-thought-out...

For supporting, nurturing and keeping in the spotlight Ava DuVernay alone, Oprah’s done a lot more than you give her credit for. Selma was - and is - major. And Winfrey giving DuVernay final cut had a lot to do with it.

Big question: How will Lifetime secure the rights for the music? I’m sure the publishing is owned by Dre (and possibly Suge) - and, as they are not keen on what Michel’le will reveal here, I doubt they’ll grant rights to use of her music. Will the filmmakers just commission soundalikes?

Whales also isn’t a country. And I have family in Denmark, and I’m black: so I think I’m a bit more informed than you about what’s going on there.

I’m well aware of how slavery came into being in the New World. And you evidently don’t know much about the world if you think the US has treated minorities better than anyone else (Scandinavia, anyone?). And the UK abolished slavery in the 1830s (again, colonial horrors continued - but the Brits were ahead of the

Unless you’re a white male. Did the status of white women or black people change all that much in the US after the Revolutionary War? The UK, in fact, abolished slavery throughout the British empire before the US did. Although other horrors of colonialism continued, perhaps US blacks would have been better off if the

Four words, Giuliani: Abner Louima, Amadou Diallo.

I agree. Nice that they’re outing themselves...

I wish idiots upset over Kaepernick not standing for the Star-Spangled banner got as upset over institutionalized racism and sexism.

I find Hillary divisive.