
Because you keep missing the point that one had good judgment (which helped her choose a role that one her an Oscar) and one had lousy judgment (which got her lambasted in an ill-chosen role).

There’s a wisdom in knowing what suits you or not. Someone who’s fronting fashion magazines and being the darling of fashion designers is the antithesis of what Simone was about. Zoe’s ambition exceeded her range. Halle knows her range - which is why she was given as an example of someone smart enough to steer clear

Yeah. And one’s been dragged critically for doing a tragically bad portrayal of a legend when she should have known she was wrong for the role. It’s called self-awareness - and it helps in most careers. That’s why Halle has an Oscar.

Comparing two actresses taking on two comparably iconic roles: not weird at all. Nina Simone’s look informed so much of who she was: difficult to market as she was not considered beautiful by the mainstream, she had to mine her soul to find that beauty.

I’d be more empathetic if this woman were feeding an infant.

But the mom can’t. Speak to lactating mothers: it’s not like turning a faucet on and off.

I’m trying to understand your argument: so would the mother breastfeeding on the spot have been acceptable if the child were younger? If that’s the case, then the problem isn’t public breastfeeding at all.

Not having breasts or babies, I’ve been told by breastfeeding mothers that often the mothers cannot wait: there’s a physical response to hearing the baby cry that starts the milk flowing:…

Mama Stephanie has her own addiction issues, so it could be a mix of lousy parenting and genetics...

Great re-tooling of the Oscar Wilde quote. Kudos to you...

Scandinavia and the Netherlands are far more socialist than the US is. And they’re doing better than we are. Maybe Malia can swing over there and get some pointers to bring back to us...

Clerical duties, for one. She’s also fluent in Spanish and probably has a third language under her belt, so some assistant work would be easy for her. She’s had an excellent secondary education, which probably puts her ahead of many college sophomores. Oh, and Congressional pages are about her age, so I don’t see what

You and me both!

Not headed for Harvard this fall. She’s taking a gap year and working at, I believe, the US Embassy in Spain. (I know more about the Obama family than I know about my own sometimes)...

Prince’s $3 million estate? Try $300 million...

I’m not a fan of the word either, but it works to differentiate it from a skirt suit (Chanel skirt suit vs. Armani pantsuit)...

Perhaps too obscure: The Love She Never Had. (My fave Mary track)

It took me until adulthood to realize that Pepe Le Pew also played on the awful stereotype of French hygiene (in addition to being sleazy). So the filmmakers have lost one major market there...

Misleading = Lying