
There’s shrewd...and there’s stupid. One can be shrewd in gaining power, and stupid in using that power once gained.

Black and Latino defendants are already getting harsher sentences than white defendants. Given that property crimes often get harsher sentences than rape, I don’t think going after judges like Persky on light sentences for rape has to be at the exclusion of looking at other injustices in the system.

I disagree vehemently about that the Obamas have been treated with kid gloves compared to Dubya’s family: Laura Bush might have received criticism for being boring and that little vehicular episode, but she did not face the BS that Michelle Obama has had to deal with.

In Rwanda, there were Hutus and Tutsis fighting each other. And many an American would probably look at them and say, “Why are they fighting? They’re all black.” Similarly, in Belgium there are francophones with Flemish las names and Flemish with French las names - and there is still bad blood between many Flemish and

Halle Berry famously demurred when Aretha Franklin suggested her to play the Queen of Soul in a possible bio-pic. Berry, who’s had problems finding decent roles, was smart enough to know that it would have been ridiculous miscasting. And Berry had won an Oscar by then. Nope, Zoe, nope.

Now playing

Bowie was actually an excellent vocalist technically, as well:

I disagree with you on country: technically great pipes are required for female country vocalists (Dolly, Patsy, Loretta, even Shania),..and the men, who can get by somewhat on attitude (Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson) still have very distinctive (and often technically good) voices.

“rape by deception is illegal all over the world.”

You miss the context in which Ali rose to fame: the civil rights movement, black power and other cultural shifts. It wasn’t a matter of him “transcending race” because his greatness alone was so wondrous. Nope, people outside just let down their preconceptions to acknowledge the greatness. Bessie Smith was a greater

Wait a minute: there were other black heavyweight champions before Ali - so white people were aware that black boxers could win championships.

No. It’s a very important point. Saying that someone “transcends” something make it seems as though they have made the effort to cross over (like Whitney Houston doing ballads as chosen by Clive Davis targeted for white, suburban, soccer moms). With Ali, it was white people who crossed over and broadened their own

It’s actually white people who transcended race here. They crossed over to get to him. He remained resolutely who he was.

But it’s not the black person transcending race; it’s the white person letting down his or her barriers to appreciate the black person. Ali made no special efforts to be more palatable to white people; white people just finally caught up with him. They valued him, in spite of the legacy of racism.

This reminds me of what Chris Rock said about Obama becoming president:

Then his father should have the smarts not to further inflame public sentiment against his son. No remorse whatsoever does not engender any sympathy for Junior...

Mauro Oliveira is a masseur. A masseuse is a woman. (Sorry, I could not help myself)

I agree there about Paradis’ relationship with Depp not being a guide for how his relationship was with Heard. I only differ in stating that Paradis most probably has no financial incentive to lie here: her money issues with Depp were sorted out ages ago, and Heard’s claims have no bearing on them. Whatever Paradis’

According to online estimates, she’s worth anywhere from $100-150 million - most surmising that there was a one-time payoff from Depp. She was also the face of Chanel for some time and has an acting career: she currently does one film a year. Thus, she has money of her own...with no continuing incentive to lie for

First of all, Vanessa Paradis chose never to marry Depp and has her own money: if she were financially motivated enough to lie to cover for him, she would have gotten that ring on her finger and gone to court for half when they broke up. She didn’t.