
When someone pays for something and/or something is forced upon me, I have the right to make certain demands of it: as a taxpayer and a citizen, I can call out policies and laws of my government because I cannot opt out. I can, however, choose not to patronize a strip club, attend a certain religious house of worship,

Please explain.

Um, are you paying for Instagram, Scout? If not, I don't see what the fuss is all about. Find something real to protest, Scout: gun laws, sexism, immigration, racism, income inequality. As it is, you're looking like an entitled airhead...

The bizarre thing is that they were already married when this wedding took place, or they got married after. If Italy is like most European continental countries, residency is required of at least one of the spouses for at least a month before the wedding - and only courthouse weddings are valid: ceremonies at

Made me laugh! (Which is probably impossible for her these days)

Kim looks like her own Madame Tussaud's mannequin in these photos...

After having read your other comments to other posts, I see that you like trolling. Glad that I've given you more pleasure than you give others. Peace.

I don't have to imagine being gay: I am. And I have a gay brother, to boot. (And I've gotten the "Wow, your brother's gay, too" reaction from as many gays as straights)

I made it through 30 seconds.

Zoe Kravitz is 5'2"...two inches shorter than Angela Bassett (who I fear is just too old to play Whitney now: it's easier to age a young actress than to make an older actress look young)...

Nicki Minaj should be cast as Chaka Khan (Chaka and Whitney were friends, and Whitney started out doing back-up vocals for Chaka). Not a big fan of Nicki's (and who knows if she can act?), but she does look like a young Chaka.

I guess some of my problem with how marriage equality has been evolving is that it has been mimicking some of the worst of heterosexual marriage (Bridezilla weddings, for example) and often rushing to get married now just because now we can (cue the divorce rates for gays & lesbians to come).

I prefer "spouse" for all "partners", "wives" and "husbands". If we're supposed to get out of the traditional role stuff that goes with traditional marriage, then "spouse" allows the couple to identify what each person's role is better than "wife" or "husband".

The president's schedule probably isn't as malleable as you'd think: he probably found the closest window where he could do the speech because various other foreign and domestic issues could pop up at any time.

These critics want what's happened to pop/r&b/soul music to happen to opera: that the visual trumps how the singer actually sounds: could a Carole King or Aretha or Phoebe Snow or Barbra Streisand happen today? Even gorgeous Chaka would be forced to focus more on Beyoncé-style dancing, costumes and videos than

Glad to hear this: we don't give dads crap for not being there, and we'd be giving your Mom crap if she were with you 24/7 but had to go on welfare - because then she would not have been a good role model!

I'm so sorry for you. And so sorry that you didn't have others to step in.

The problem was that you were ALONE, not that your mother wasn't a good mother. Your mother didn't have a support system - as many women who have had to work outside the home have had for centuries. Had you had grandparents living in the house, your father, aunts and uncles around and cousins and siblings to play

Only recently have we expected only the mother and (not really) the father to raise a child 24/7. In the past (and even today in different cultures), it involved/involves a whole extended family (and, yes, a village). Do you think working a farm with several children guaranteed a lot of "quality time" with each

Now playing

Late to the party, but this is one of my favorite epic quits...