that’s a lie, the game was a TIMED exclusive which means they hold the xbox port until the time its completed. This was not developed on PS5 and ported to PC and then
that’s a lie, the game was a TIMED exclusive which means they hold the xbox port until the time its completed. This was not developed on PS5 and ported to PC and then
you misunderstand, people are still dunking on you for a bad take; its next gen hardware and first party games on a system from a company that’s struggled with 1st games for this and the last generation. Not a big ask for a company with enough money to make Solomon blush.
Most MTX aren’t aimed at children…
I would actually argue against it being a good game. I think the combat is largely meh, the hacking is what it is, and the driving was never great either. The biggest stuff is story and even then the quest structure is bog standard open world stuff. The city was, is, and probably always will be lifeless. Honestly, the…
This writer is, honestly, punching above his weight and failing at every step. They aren’t Hunter S Thompson and they aren’t funny or witty. They come off spiteful, barren, and lonely.
That article, like so many things these days, was the writer using their work in lieu of therapy.
Very ironic comment coming from someone named after Cayde...
Some stuff to unpack here
I mean, Microsoft has had enough time to do the same without buying the company? This is why I can’t feel sorry for MS and Sony battling this out, they both pull this bullshit but somehow randos online expect me to feel anger towards one or the other. Microsoft has had plenty of time to get an exclusive out for their…
CATA was where I started to fall off almost immediately. 2 weeks in i cancelled my sub
I haven’t touched my switch in 2 years and my xbox one in like 5. Who cares? lol
we stopped being outraged over NFTs because it failed and is being pilloried left and right.
Adam Sessler shouldn’t be such a modern day pos then
Dorkiest comment award
1. This even being a story is stupid
“the way it plays is almost like a rhythm game or something”
GOOD, make a real Titanfall sequel not one of these dumb half-steps
That’s on par with Rogen’s acting in general
where did you get racism against Asians out of that?