Steven Simmons

But also, who cares? 

All of this is actively made irrelevant by witcher season 1, or 2 specifically, being bad and season 2 largely being made up whole cloth.  

I mean...if you’re talking about the system itself? I think its a draw. If you’re talking about games Microsoft release? Absolutely not lol. If you’re talking service vs service then its definitely Game Pass...but I’m curious how Game Pass is for developers given we’ve seen some developers say they lost money even

its a linear story not something that takes your actions into account; its about the narrative.

Wait, you’re mad its part of the story?

“which will undoubtedly send that seemingly omnipresent group of angry little pissboys claiming to speak for the entire fanbas...”

outside of Bloober Team and Bad Robot...

Not seeing many comments saying they were wrong about this...

Boy, you guys look really silly now everything else has come out...

Why can’t they just have an inworld mostly talk radio station? That would would be more enjoyable to me than another mostly music station. 

I worked Mcdonalds for 3 years+ from age 15 to nearly 19. I then worked retail for another 7 years, at one time working 2 jobs. These workers can stop complaining about dumb shit like this. So much of what they do now is automated at this point anyway. 

“He understands money” seems like naive code for “he knew how to run a business on more than wishes, rainbows, and rhetoric.”

Neither does House of the Dragon

and both enraged racists by casting black people.”

What? The show is pretty good. 

No...even if this was something everyone wouldn’t be able to get easily the answer is no. All these games like Destiny, Overwatch 2, the new Gundam game, and probably everything coming from Activision- Blizzard should be getting more pushback across the board over this garbage. 

If only her speech wasn’t immediately followed by hot tub bikini streams and endless sexual content

Its not like she gloated about not originally being let go. Literally “I SURVIVED! Let’s stream some games!” 

They use it a bunch, for good or bad.

a business is allowed to be closed for whatever reasons they want to. If your week is thrown off because you can’t get a specific chicken sandwich you need therapy not chicken.