Steven Simmons

“They’re not bogged down in endless amounts of intricate detailing like Mechanicus or SoB, you don’t need a million tiny guys like Guard, and you aren’t spending weeks doing nothing but painting trim like CSM.”

I love the FR but they are very high fantasy generic at times...but I think that’s fine because in those settings its the characters that bring it above and beyond. I’d love a game in the Black Company setting...

I mean, I don’t disagree but its a matter of “what is popular”. I feel the same way about the newer Marvel characters (where even comic sales aren’t great) but they are very popular and now they are going to use them in games and stuff. Space Marines, because of the vast popularity and variety, will always

The game sucks but it HAD to have sold well, it felt like everyone was playing it that first month. The game was on game pass but square must be syphoning money in some scheme. 

This is a weird ditch to choose to die in

Man, talk about keyboard warriors.

Honestly, I see future arguments from trans people about this lol...

Sounds about right for a 343 halo decision. “What’s the dumbest thing we could do? Yeah, do that.”

Because democrats didnt also lead the censorship and puritan charges of the 80s, 90s, etc…

Right so if you’re vaxxed you’re good. Why you worried about those who aren’t?

Honestly we don’t miss y’all. 

So...there are like a fuck ton of video releases every week and most are not sequels, remakes, ports, etc. I don’t think this is like the deal this article would make it out to be.

Start slideshow? lol no...make an article or don’t...not getting extra clicks out of me, Kotaku.

probably the same as the people complaining about things before they happen.

You guys can dislike him as a person without being so fucking bad faith that you also call him a snake oil salesman. That shit just ruins any credibility you might have in a conversation. 

that’s literally how this always goes. New handheld released? “Can I emulate NES games on it?” New console released? “Can I hack it to run NES games?” New game with level creators? “Can I recreate 1-1 with it?”

cool, now do the ties of Xbox founder to vaccine hoarding, global digital ID, vaccine passports, and Epstein.

Why do you hate sex workers and female dancers? 

I have two kids and I’m active in the home. You guys are being hilariously hyperbolic. Just put the controller down and quit acting like it matters. 

Guess what, its a game and if something is an emergency you shouldn’t care. This is a non-issue.