Steven Simmons

Honestly, practically everything about this game is terrible. No clue how Anthem gets such a shit reputation but some of the same people love Avengers...especially given the poor game design across the board and the plethora of game breaking bugs and design. 

I don’t get it...the story is so basic, generic, and boring. There’s not even a decent amount of villains or memorable encounters. Some stuff, like Thor, is just gone and magically appears. Even the final trophy name lies about what you just did. The ending is wildly hilarious.  

People seem to love destiny even when its replaying the same handful of missions over and over and over

I think having a year with no new COD would be great. 

To quote Alexander Hamilton, “Nope.” 

I love Remedy and I love was my favorite game of 2019 even with the frame rate issues. That said, this is predatory and fucking dumb. I’m not one to have knee jerk reactions to developers but the fact they are releasing this on Ps4/XB1 and there are no significant changes to the game but they aren’t

Shitposters on Twitter who draw comics VS a war machine fueled by multiple governments and states.

I mean, plenty of games were getting delayed WELL before COVID was even being hinted at. I think COVID made some things worse but MS has also been relatively radio silent on Halo outside of two generic cutscenes and a recent, obviously, early build that some say is a year or more old.

Sony has that Spider-Man game and, I think, some third party exclusives. 

I mean, PS4 and Xbone had terrible launch lineups and people still bought both of those. 

UA3 also feels like a bland mobile game with weightless combat and little challenge or depth

Eh...its got its own major problems. 

“Generic anime” 

it could still very much be used for harassment purposes due to this being a multiplayer shooter”

OH, I was wondering who would be the first person to make a strawman argument. Anarchists have killed people...better change that very telling, clearly a dog whistle name. 

Students of history might also find that races aren’t real and that we have no instance of dark, evil gods creating different races that in turn worship those dark gods. 

Considering that in real life we don’t have “Races”, I don’t see how this is a problem. If someone is being racist at the table you have a problem and can deal with it. The D&D source material, however, is people looking to make things seem as racist tropes so they find it. Much like the “noose” people found in the

Drow are literally the black, evil version of elves.

Except, with as much work needs to be done, its drastically better than it was. Acting like its getting worse is blind, idiot rage. 

Christ, you people are exhausting