Steven Simmons

they are cool but remarkably terrible in quality

I love this game to death but hate how it was poorly balanced to where you could literally make yourself an awesome spy but then suck in the last hour of the game and be unable to complete it.

Damn...even the guy who created Vine had dirt on the Clintons?

All I’ve ever tried to do was help people.

I find the TTK fine unless you want to play it like COD and run right into people or not pay attention to who you are spawning onto in your squad. I just think many of these people are rather new to the Battlefield experience. As much as I like BFV it still doesn’t hold a candle to BF4 in its peak.

I don’t think anyone on PS4 is jealous of Sea of Thieves, honestly...that thing makes launch Destiny 1 look like it had 5 years of content.

Honestly, it is normally such a slight difference that it can be hard to tell. Performance gains, when there even is any, makes the leap much easier to tell the difference.

Until Microsoft can produce something with the people whose work they are going to be taking credit for...I can’t call “buying existing game studios” as an excited proposition...those studios were already producing content without Microsoft’s they just will take credit for it.

“Deadspin tells gays to shut the fuck up”

that’s the fucking point

DOTA2 was just DOTA was Valve’s slight spin on it. Artifact is...sure but you’d be oddly pressed to compare Artifact to actual, non-exploitative, game releases of the past.

In the Valley of the Gods was being made before Valve acquired Campo Santo so its only a “Valve game” in name only.

If they pull the Ultimate Alliance 2 nonsense of “only 1 alternate costume per character” they can fuck right off :( . Thankfully Insomniac, with Marvel’s Spider-Man, knows how to make a game its own while still giving player’s alternate costumes to pick from. If that game can do it then this game should have tons of

Many of those costumes are what they are wearing in the comics right now. Thor doesn’t wear his helmet in the MCU, Falcon doesn’t look like that in the MCU, Gamora doesn’t look like that in the MCU, etc

were dungeon crawlers, not beat-’em-ups,

A little odd that the direct sequel to FC5 comes out less than a year from the original game’s launch :\ Makes me feel this game isn’t going to actually have any meaningful differences and is really a full priced DLC for the original game.

and here I thought Rhiannon Gidden’s amazing musical talent and voice stole the show with her Red Dead Redemption 2 themed performance.

its not Disney’s fault...its “nerd cultures fault”. The same people who now have sites that send out emails starting with “BREAKING NEWS” before a teaser trailer of Game of Thrones...

People expecting an Avengers 4 teaser or trailer were dumb.

Microsoft published Mass Effect 1....still came out on PS3 later. Depends on the contract, sometimes it just means the game has to come out in a different state than it was originally published. If they put out a game of the year version with DLC and stuff and someone else publishes it there’s definitely a chance.