Steven Simmons

No, F76 has been horrible and it looks horrible. I’m amazed at the amount of slack everyone gives Bethesda; its like they have blackmail on all you guys and you just give ass eating smiles at everything. They’ve even put out a press release that basically says, “Hey, the game’s going to be garbage for a long time. We

You’re like the living embodiment of the worst parts of Twitter, Ezra Klein, and the entirety of Vox rolled into one.

I thought the last beta was great. Made me decide to keep my pre-order.

You could get The Sims 3 and not need any of the thing stuff to “fix” the game. I also don’t think one of those expansions had been teased for years only to be churned out as a digital wet fart.

eh, it deserves it. I am sure they are all hard working over there but the franchise either needs to fade away or a new developer needs to take a crack at it; either the developers have no idea what to do/how to do it, they don’t have time to do it given the shitty tools they have, or management from Bungie/Activision

yeah and that $60 was anemic af for being a game that was a “games as service” model. Then the two DLC’s they immediately release are expensive and anemic...

that’s not true lol. I go to Publix once every 2 weeks or so. I’ve been doing this for the better part of this year. Things are where they always are.

to be made for a very different audience

“Blizzard Explains Why They Didn’t Check the Specific Diversity Checkboxes We Want”

All this proves is that Blizzard has no finger on the pulse of their I “raging over this” mobile announcement? No, no I’m not. Will I play this game? No, I probably won’t (because I think mobile games are less good and more novelty/bad).

yes you do; its bad.

major PTSD? Is it that easy for her age bracket these days?

nah, he’s not funny and his whole, “I was masturbating to her before we got together” bit just made me dislike him even more.

Even the game thinks its not worth playing. 

That’s a complete misunderstanding of the story but it sounds more like you read a weird synopsis and not the actual story...

Yeah but people call The Babadook scary these days, so...

Also, no one was fucking watching the show. Tons of amazing, creative sci-fi shows/movies bomb in the US and people still lament over their DVDs and tubs of icecream, “Why did it get cancelled!?” 

I honestly don’t know if I even care to finish House of Cards. Not sure why it even went past last season, honestly. 

This is an issue with Magic the Gathering tournaments as well, or at least it was in the past. I would be complemented at my LCS when I came to play MTG simply because I wore cologne and didn’t dress like ass...something I felt was ridiculous. You don’t have to dress like a million bucks but $20 would do. If you can

So he should be banned for cheating then, right