the same James Comey who actively discredited HRC last year? really? at best he’s Snape
the same James Comey who actively discredited HRC last year? really? at best he’s Snape
Do you think Bibi misses Obama yet?
Bigger issue: Bibi actually did serve in the IDF, during a period when Israel was actually at war (1967-73). Donnie slithered out of the draft here by having a “bone spur” on one of his heel, he (seriously) cannot remember which one, but it was apparently so bad it got him 4F but did not prevent him from playing…
....If only everyone who ended up doing hard drugs was raised in a nice, level-headed environment which engendered high amounts of self-confidence and esteem and imparted myriad stress-reduction mechanisms aside from substance abuse.
....if only.....
The place is the closest to the Garden of Eden we’ll get on earth and the likes of Palin and Sessions hate it. That just says it all.
Not to mention that President Barack “Mooslim Commie N—ger” Obama was born there.....with a birth certificate saying he was American & a white Mama!
I think she thought it was going to look like “Magnum PI” or “Hawaii Five-O,” all beautiful tanned haoles on broad beaches. She was at a college in Hilo instead, where it pisses rain most of the year, and most of the people are very much not white.
Which has juuuuuuuust a little bit to do with the GOP’s decision to blame all of the state’s problems on Mexican immigrants at a time when virtually all of its economic problems stemmed from the end of the Cold War and the resulting bursting of the defense bubble.
The fact that California not only is majority non-white but also has a larger percentage of mixed-race individuals than any state except Hawaii undoubtedly contributes to the hatred so many conservatives have for the state.
Woooo miscegenation!!!!
I’d have Jayne Cobb’s babies. Stupid fat Baldwinses.
Baldwin is, but not Jayne Cobb.
Captain Tightpants is coming to Calgary Comic Expo at the end of the month. I’ll tell him you say, “Hey.”
The worst part is that Baldwin is probably a Trump supporter
+1 shiny.
I’m loving you so hard right now.
I’m really sad that google image search did not immediately give me a .gif of that or the “no grenades” from about ten minutes earlier in the film. But the image at least gives us that very dashing image of Captain Tightpants and the wind blowing through his perfect hair.