Stevynn the Ungreyer

Lindsay Duncan as the Doctor is fantastic, as that would be a humbling reminder of his Time Lord Victorious stage where Lindsay Duncan as Captain Adelaide Brooke of Bowie Base 1 in “The Waters of Mars” says that the Time Lord Victorious is wrong, then shoots herself as an attempt, unknowingly to her, successful, to

I thought “that JJ Abrams shit” was excessive lens flares?

That GIF is gold.

Is it just me or does that pen/pencil cup of Sonic Screwdrivers just make one beyond happy? It is fantastic, one could say molto bene.

That is true that Eleven was Time Lord Victorious without the moral doubt. However, that addition of the moral doubt made Ten’s Time Lord Victorious just a little bit more terrifying because he knows what he is doing is wrong, he just has convinced himself it’s right. He became Time Lord Fell Into Temptation which

Exactly, they would empathize with the weight of loss, yet revel in they joy of finding the right groups of friends.

I love the `80s titling. It’s beautiful. It works in ways that I wasn’t expecting as I was slightly hesitant at first, now that it has that `80s space film feel a la Star Trek II-IV and Star Wars, I’m in.

I have a feeling Ten and Voyager would take a distinctly “The Fires of Pompeii” and/or “The Waters of Mars” tone to it. That is it either would take a very strict fixed point in the timeline stance or he might go Time Lord Victorious stance. If the former, I think the crew would understand due to the Prime Directive,

I can see all of that. I can even see Worf being a little flustered with Jack, especially if they spar. Nine sparring with Dukat would be gold, Rose and Damar, that combination is weird, but it works, though I could see Rose having a sweet moment with Tora Ziyal.

Ten and TNG is a perfect pairing especially if its Ten/Donna or Ten/Martha era. Donna hitting on Riker or Worf, Ten and Guinan having a connection that spans the known conception of time and space, Data, Geordi, and Dr. Crusher using the Sonic Screwdriver and wanting one, especially Beverly. Picard having fun with

Seasons 3 and 4, I’d say. Mainly because I love Martha and Donna soo much.

You mean it is a MasterFull reply?

Are you sure that you just don’t want Captain Jack in you? Captain Jack, I’m pretty sure is a sexual orientation in and of itself.

The producers of Star Trek Enterprise wanted that too.

And to be extra sure, add David Tennant returning as The Doctor because Ten and Twelve need to be a thing, also Michelle Gomez’s Master needs a run at Ten.

I do too.

I jokingly like to call her my daughter, only because I wouldn’t mind my [hypothetical] daughter being that crazy and tomboyish.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw Dany and thought Romulan. Damn, I love Romulans, always have, always will. There is something weirdly sexy and subtly sexual about them.

Well, Daenerys does look like she could play some high ranking Romulan in her attire.