
Bringing Gendry onto the board in the game of thrones is not conducive to his safety, nor can anyone have possibly imagined it was.

First of all, despite the dialogue it is not certain the entire city will be burned by an attack on the Red Keep. In the real world, such vast conflagrations were, thank God, the exception.

There's what's on screen and there's what's in your head. I can only see what's on screen.

Yes, I freely concede he has every right to hold an incorrect opinion.
He does not have the right to imagine he's made an argument in support of that incorrect opinion.

Thanks for the reminder.

The woman who boasted about her ruthlessness but bewailed her lack of imagination in her final moments? One of the prime movers in starting all these wars?

Sauron had them in the books too. Sigh.

A potential claimant to the Iron Throne has been taken to where he has access to potential allies. That's what Davos did. That's text. Text isn't just dialogue. Besides, just taking character's word at face value is no smarter than just taking real life people words at face value. And there is no motivation at all

Yes. Dragons eat sheep.
What was your point?

The producers will never, never forgive Daenerys for being a revolutionary in any form. There is no end to the line of imbeciles who will congratulate themselves on their moral boldness to condemning revolutionaries as despotic fanatics.

You do realize that print makes it impossible to know you're not serious?

After the joke about Gendry still rowing, I think they do fan service first, last and always. Nothing makes producers tell us the truth.

Sorry, that's a ridiculously contrived "explanation." The notion that somehow Gendry would suddenly become less safe in KL has no reason to it, and the notion that Davos would somehow know this is entirely senseless. And, sorry, you do not make a bastard with a potential claim on a throne safer by taking them to a

Why would you deny your own ears? That was the simplest, in context understanding of the line.

This was not very good at all. In-jokes about Gendry rowing are funny in-jokes, but the turn to pure camp really, really does not suit something like GoT, which is prurient but judgmental, bloody-minded and astoundingly solemn about its cracker barrel political philosophy.

It's really hard to tell if the show means for us to believe Tyrion's version where Tywin offered a life saving deal before the trial, which Tyrion threw away with a tirade about how he really, really wanted to kill everybody, maybe just in the room not the whole world? The thing is, why then does Jaime accept this?

Sauron had those winged pterodactyl monsters. At the final battle, the eagles were busy fighting them instead of dive bombing orcs and trolls. If the eagles had tried flying from Rivendell to Mount Doom, it would have been not just a short movie, but a fantasy where the villains wins.

As I recall the number of Spartiates when Sparta's power was finally broken was about 5 000. Sparta was never a city of a hundred thousand. Its hegemony was absolutely remarkable given the small population. In some ways Sparta was no more a city than "Tenochtitlan," a confederation of cities, being a confederation of

Tearing off the helmet so we could see his bald head?
You may be right.

Your History-PhD candidate friend really thought the Spartiates, who numbered in the thousands, were able to suppress eight million Helots? He must have thought the movie did not do justice to how awesomely powerful a Peer was.