
Tully, coloration.

Nymeria ditched the girl who was no one, sticking with a wolf's proper life, as part of a pack. There really is no more Arya to go lone wolf with, not to mention sticking with Starks makes for a short life. I know the producers have tried to claim it's Nymeria rejecting marriage like Arya rejecting marriage. But I

Generally I prefer even bad SF to fantasy, just because I also find magic to be weak. It's trying to make sense of the magic plot that's making me feel like the show is just spinning its wheels, which is not adding to the emotional investment. Personally I think I could invest in characters caught up in a predestined

The one who cares about the dragons most and knows them best, Daenerys, would notice. But the show is besotted with Tyrion the Strangler, so you may be right.

The Three-Eyed Raven not only kept it secret from Bran that the Night King could attack him when he did the spirit walk thin. He kept it secret that if Bran was attacked they could all be killed. The Three-Eyed Raven outright lied to Bran about how he was able to interact with the past. He knew there was no maybe.The

Guys who get on three different ships that get sunk, a man who's taking soldiers *to* Dunkirk, two fliers who win all the battles but lose their planes anyway…on one level you have to think Christopher Nolan is convinced people will never get the joke, no matter what he does.

Two episodes and zero movement in the real plot? I don't understand how people are thinking the show is moving fast?

No Man's Land as Mordor….A Great War movie in 2017 is entirely appropriate. Wonder Woman had some good things but having its BS about WWI be the last word in this memorial year is just icky.

I agree with the people who've predicted Tyrion's knowledge of the sewers of Casterly Rock will save the day.

Dragons eat people. So, no, that's misreading in my view.

"the notion of Nazism as a seductive adversary (the German occupation forces come across worse here than in most Soviet war movies)"

It wasn't there in the two seasons I managed to watch. (I quit after the mass murderer spy kid of course murdered his entire family because of evil Soviet vagina. But I don't appreciate good writing.)

Don't care if it straight from the horse's mouth: Cogman is just wrong when he says the scene is about two lone wolves recognizing that they're lone wolves. Nymeria has a wolf pack. That's the opposite of a lone wolf.

Daenerys cares a great deal for Jorah, more really than she did Daario Naharis. But Jorah's too old for a sexual relationship with her. The thing is, that's not the kind of arbitrary refusal to consider reciprocating a friendship to consider friendzoning. I think. But actually I'm not sure friendzoning is really a

Every other dire wolf fights to the death for their Stark. Nymeria rejecting Arya is about Arya, not about Nymeria. In my opinion, of course.

Tyrion knew how hated Lannisters were in Dorne. Didn't care. Myrcella was in no danger from Joffrey and Cersei, and he knew it. What you're saying is, he wanted to hurt Cersei by taking her daughter away from her, just as she said. Formally, the reason was supposed to be the danger from Stannis, by the way. But it's

If Tyrion has never been blinded by thoughtless passion, why is Shae dead? Why for that matter Tywin?

I had already concluded there was no way Arya hadn't heard, and therefore heading to KL meant she had rejected foisting her murder career on the remainder of the family. Even if she hadn't heard about Jon, somehow, she surely should have heard that Sansa had married Ramsay Bolton, because even the on screen dialogue

This all started with Grey Worm kissing Missandei. And if I remember correctly, Missandei was leaving mad. So, to me, it was very much Grey Worm initiating sex. But if you think getting naked is taking the lead, obviously it was Missandei.

Because she doesn't exist when she's off screen. This is not the kind of show where you can imagine the characters doing things off screen like eating in a tavern and hearing the news. That sort of thing only happens when a named character has lines.