
Putting a finish on the series gives Netflix their equivalent of The Wire or Rome, a real claim to quality.

Had to drive eighty miles to see Lost City of Z. Don't regret the cost or the time, but one of the best flicks of the year so far? Look, when movie Fawcett finds the artifacts, he proved the case there was an advanced culture in the Amazon at one point. Finding a monumental city in the jungle the same way explorers

"My boyfriend refuses to finish inside me. When he’s about to come, he pulls out and comes on my chest."

Legion looked good but so did Emerald City…and Emerald City had enough sexual politics for a masters' thesis. The notion Legion handled mental illness well is just wacky. I guess somebody was desperate to justify it. As far as the reality bending goes, Falling Water had a reality bending character too, and he made a

My boys loved that movie, so I kept catching it with them.

CUCK should get a new phone. If hubby gives his lover the new number, it's hubby who wants to treat CUCK as a cuckold. Curious as to how lover got the number in the first place.

Their Dracula will will have a best frenemies rivalry with Jack the Ripper, best Oscar Wilde in a battle of wits, cast off Sarah Bernhardt as vain, inspire Nikola Tesla…and possibly marry Queen Victoria (but that will be nothing! nothing! like Kim Newman's Anno-Dracula!)

Whiplash? Hardly.

I'm really not so sure that sexual release would be quite so beneficial. I know sexual frustration is, well, frustrating. And getting laid is ego boo, even if you have to pay for the flattery. (Ask anyone whose been promiscuous, male or female.) But any real relationships are going to be with people with an agenda

Pretending to be stupid doesn't help your case. It just shows you up as a liar. Of course this is what Folio implied. Just because Folio didn't understand the implications doesn't mean they aren't there.

If your caring for your customers leads you to do efficiency analyses and labor relations and business plan…then you've got more problems in your accounting business than I can take care of. Savage just recommended screening sex workers for someone whose niceness makes them like therapists. This is nuts. It doesn't

Sorry, no, not fair enough. The message that women will flock to rich men is provided by the news, and advertising, and most movies and TV. I'm not the one selling this, and it personally contemptible to pretend I am. And the suggestion that my bad thoughts cause sexism, instead of maybe things like the profits from

Psychiatrists and therapists are paid less compared to other health workers, which suggests that there's more than money involved. Maybe not being a very good doctor or seriously neurotic themselves? Or maybe they want to take care of people? Your belief sex workers choose sex work because they into relationships is

Sex workers are in it for the money, either for themselves or for their pimps. Looking there for warmth and sympathy is preposterous. (By the way, it is doubtful whether endorsing the legitimacy of sex work counts as feminism any more. That seems to be important to Savage.) What may be worthwhile is consultation with

Couldn't force myself to watch the whole series. But speaking as someone who thought the series as a whole was hysterical 9/11 BS doubled, redoubled and larded with backwards attitudes, I still have to say that they did one episode that was halfway honest about 9/11—-"33."

And Mads Mikkelsen as Malvolio?

Good criticism engages the social/cultural/political, if only because we as human beings as situated in a life where these things matter. How movies relate to them is how they relate to us. That's especially true when the movies and the criticism endorse things as they are, without reflection.

Shallow people like me feel a difference between "appreciate" and "enjoy." (And don't associate "thrill" or "chill" with appreciate either."


Like all the best jokes, explaining it kills it. But you are of course right.