Steven Earl Calamari

Slipknot is a great band.

Also: that headline was gross. Nick deserves better.

Black Heart Procession made a long form music video for Amore Del Tropico over a decade ago. I don't understand when Beyonce reinvented the wheel exactly.

I thought his job was being a comedian. Or at least that is what he tells everyone over and over and over again when he's hosting. Did you hear that he is a comedian? Because he loves to tell stories about when he told jokes, much better at telling stories about telling jokes then actually telling jokes.

Thanks for this, I never would have bothered if I didn't hear good news. Last decade of MInistry is rough, to say the least.

Oh yeah, he's evolved. Doesn't feel forced when he gets emotional (like this week for example when he discussed how all the heroes are dying off).

at least Ryan Seacrest understands he's not funny.

Jesus. Christ.

The guy who tries to be friends with everyone is truly friends with no one. And has shitty jokes.

Yes, I am a fan of many comic book movies, have been since I saw Batman 89 when I was 9. The Marvel Studios are a good chunk of those. But as far as picking sides go I am just not on Zack Snyder's side - moments in Watchmen aside.

I thought picking sides was the Civil War thing

Is this a grammar thing? Are you wasting bandwidth on that? Or am I missing some larger point?

I can't recall seeing much defending of Age Of Ultron though. Seemed like it's detractors were heard out and we just moved on. Like normal life.

Just finished the show for myself. To echo some others here, it is going into my pantheon of favorite TV shows, possibly at the top of the list. Each episode was like a warm blanket, despite the violence, thanks to the fantastic dialog and performances that sang like the sweetest song.

Why do BatmanvVSuperman defenders all remind me of GamerGaters and Donald Trump Twitter fanatics? What is the through line there?

It's just overblown CG nonsense. There is nothing impressive about Snyder's fights. They're just loud.

Which is fitting because it somehow made it's way onto my wife and I's wedding playlist.

No Moon Over Marin by the Dead Kennedys?

The Prestige, for some reason. That and Tennenbaums long ago became my hangover Sunday flicks - even though I haven't been hung over in years.

I hate to think that the flack season 2 gets from those that haven't even finished it keeps someone away from powering through and discovering the good far outweighs the bad.