It looks like it’s just a filter. Here’s her from Instagram (before and after):
It looks like it’s just a filter. Here’s her from Instagram (before and after):
Dorne was a shitshow. Other than that, the deviations (from a 10,000 foot view) were mostly necessary. Charlie Jane on io9 posted earlier today the reason I agree with: there’s not as much political intrigue and when it’s there, it’s erratic. Dany behaves erratically. Roose and Ramsey behave erratically. Sansa behaves…
The only Federation ship left in orbit was the droid control ship.
No it’s not!
Backwards fitted is okay, though - right? Right?!
I’m on your side!
CNN spent more time interviewing Republicans than FOX News did in March.
Now I have to put in a pool so I can enjoy my $24 giant inflatable swan.
Now I have to put in a pool so I can enjoy my $24 giant inflatable swan.
This just made me realize Syrio Forel’s incantation to Death, “Not today!” is probably how GRRM feels about writing now.
But anime characters are not:…
Anime characters are often viewed as being more the race of the people who look at them:…
They have tanks. The DMZ is wide enough (and under-laid with enough tunnels) they don’t need to drive their tanks through the JSA conference rooms.
Does “next Sunday” always mean “the Sunday after this upcoming Sunday”? Because I think we’re early enough in the week that “next Sunday” should be synonymous with “this Sunday,” or in other words April 17, 2016. “The Sunday after next” is April 24, 2016 (when GoT comes back).
That is also not a spaceship, it is test vehicle.
“Up twelve points” doesn’t mean the same thing for TSLA as it would for F. And “up 98 points since early February” is a convenient time to start. Good luck timing the market, buddy.
It’s practically the same as my Fusion. I can’t put a bike in there, either. That’s what backseats and/or bike racks are for.
Twin brains.
You should really consider changing your diet. No way should it take more than 1 wipe.
you can’t win anything if it’s just white males