
It can’t “call” the bonds.

The car should be in the middle of its lane, not against the curb.

That was my first thought, too. It’s not the bus’s fault for not yielding. NO ONE would yield to an asshole driver who was trying to get back into a lane he got out of with only four feet left before the intersection.

China calls in the debt to pay for wiping NK off the face of the earth

Let’s focus on early-childhood intervention and kick-ass universal daycare first, so people are ready for college, before we decide whether to start lining the pockets of an ever-expanding cadre of university administrators (the largest portion of increased tuition costs) with our tax dollars.

Which part of Google? Because:



That’s not how it works.

Why would we need to wait for them to be an imminent threat to US forces?

Calling someone gay who pointed out you have no idea what you’re talking about? Congrats, you’re back in 1997! Enjoy the slap bracelets.

As an attorney (but not one who works for the federal government), I’d say “slim to none.” She didn’t break a law by using the personal server, and (at least so far as we can tell) all of the “classified” materials were either classified after the fact or sent to her by someone else. There are a couple of instances

are those bases a threat to anything but ships in the vicinity?

Hi, you’re on FoxTrotAlpha. No one here thinks that.

That is actually not outside the realm of possibility, but Rubio has to step up first. Cruz wants to be President more than anything in the world, and would take the Veep slot and a chance at his own spot in the limelight after 8 years over flaming out in third place at the convention. But if Cruz is in second place

Meat in bread = sandwich.

Has a GoPro ever come un-suction-cupped in-flight? That looks dangerous.

No the image is just higher. Her face does look a little slimmed though.
