No one is telling him to change. People are telling him they want him to want to change. If you don't understand the difference, what exactly are you doing on Jezebel?
No one is telling him to change. People are telling him they want him to want to change. If you don't understand the difference, what exactly are you doing on Jezebel?
He has gay characters. But they're jokes, or the punchlines, they don't get to save the day, they don't get to have hot sex, they don't get to be cool and glamorous and turn on the reader or even have valid and legitimate relationships. That's bullshit.
You're joking, right? No one is saying it isn't. They're saying he should aspire to do better.
News flash: most Iranians aren't hardliners. Most Iranians are probably proud.
Sims 3 was prettier, but I never found myself in an accidental marathon play session the way I did with Sims 2. Maybe some of the appeal wore off, or maybe it just wasn't quite as fun. Either way, Sim City taught me not to buy the latest EA game just because it's prettier and has a new engine. I will probably wait…
This is based on the Dutch show, which you can find on YouTube un-blurred. It's really nothing exciting.
I'm really not well-versed in how this stuff usually plays out, but when I bought Minecraft in Beta it was something like $15 and you could demo it and watch "let's play" videos and they promised you'd eventually have an "official" release with highly-probable ongoing support. Buying it now costs $30. If Steam's Early…