
Blending the sacred and the profane is a big theme in a lot of Kanye's work.

You say that Aubry did nothing to make them dislike her, and I entirely agree with that. They didn't vote AGAINST Aubry, they voted FOR Michele. People think of the game of Survivor as just being the votes you cast at Tribal Council or the moves you orchestrate, but that's a minuscule fraction of the game. The

I don't think Aubry had enemies on the jury or caused anybody to be bitter against her. I think the jury just liked and respected Michele more. And earning the jury's like and respect is the name of the game.

It happened as recently as Worlds Apart. Also China, Philippines, and San Juan del Sur.

There are no set criteria for what makes a winning Survivor game, and every jury gets to make their own guidelines as a result. A jury could decide that they prefer people who wear pink shirts, and only cast their votes for players who wear pink shirts, and that would be totally valid.

Getting people to like you IS the game. They're inseparable.

Just wanted to comment that I'm absolutely loving these reviews, and the barren comment section every week is disheartening. You're doing some great analysis here, Kyle.

I happen to be 20! And while W/ Bob and David was highly enjoyable, my experience watching Mr. Show last fall has a much higher potential to be life-changing.

SPOILER: Jyn Erso confirmed to be the child of murder husbands Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter.

Better Call Saul


College Dropout>MBDTF>Yeezus>Late Registration>TLOP>808s>Graduation

The oral histories are always fantastic.

Siskel didn't like it. (He points out the Jesus scene as being particularly awful!) Ebert was higher on it, but only to the point of giving it three stars. He later added it to his Great Movies though.

Kendrick and Kanye aren't doing anything remotely similar, and I think they're both aware of that.

Dylan McDermott

Only if we define the Academy as arbiters of taste.

I was certain until the last minute or so that Bennett's character was going to jump off the building at the end. Not sure what that says about me and/or my sense of humor.

The Clickhole oral histories are truly the art of these times.

To be fair, I'd probably like every piece of media I ever consume to have a corny, on-the-nose Raising Arizona shoutout.