
Republic Commando 2 never made it past concept stage. So says "Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts"

I wish this would come out on consoles. They'd have my money. I get why it's a Vita exclusive, though.

Exactly. Hits are hits, whether out of enthusiasm or irritation.

At the very least this becomes an invasion of privacy issue. If some freak put up peeping Tom cameras in his neighbor's bedroom that'd be the same thing as this. "Not hurting anyone" is a cop out.

Thanks for explaining what motion capture is. I'm sure none of us realized what it was. /sarcasm

This game is a total joke. Go back to the Everything or Nothing format. I'm not up for Call of James Bond.

Putting aside the fact that people find game development drama oddly interesting, do you miss the days of just reporting about games instead of all the drama that goes on?

To be clear he never directly stated that the piracy was related to lost sales, only that 5-7% actually pay for the game. Don't know that I trust the numbers, but still...

Zen Studios says hello.

John Kassir says hello.

#corrections (though not really). RedLynx posted the entire list of tracks w/creators if folks are interested in downloading them through Track Central: []

Bookmarked. I'm sure there are a lot of tubby gamers like us that need this kind of encouragement and reality check.

So this prototype (I'd wager) gets points for the D-Pad, but the face/RT swap from the 360 will bite them in the butt. It took a tiny bit of getting used to on the 360, but it's clearly superior.

This guy stole it first:

[] — All YouTube Tesla coil playlists (for those who want more).

Good for them! Joe Danger's a great little title, and I'll pick it up on my Kindle Fire later on even though I have it on 360.

What's that from?

To throw stuff you have to start with your left hand close to you and push. If your hand is that far out (during the destroy the core sequence) you can't force push. We finally figured that out later in the game.