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Track: Sandstorm | Artist: Darude | Album: Before The Storm

I don't speak a word of Japanese and I can still quote it.


Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.

Eureka's Sheriff Carter is my fave. It wasn't so much that he was accident-prone as that he just never knew what was going on. Colin Ferguson made that so much fun to watch.

Not enough use of Japanese Anime ...... disappointed.....

Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4.

That's a good price for 12 pounds of nutmeg

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Don't forget to mention that your favorite movie is books. Works every time.

So, he basically spammed a bunch of people, got some people's hopes up and wasted some other people's time. Sounds like a catch!

But I hate the taste of the dark amber pee........

I'm still waiting for Under Armour's magnetic, one-handed zipper to debut!

"$8?! that's a season's worth of attire for me" - Bill Belichick

I have discovered an exit out of the Friendzone. Tequila.