
History lesson for those who seem to rather go WHAT THIS GAME IS STILL AROUND!

You did not just insult Natty Bo. Open the floodgates

  • Last of Us -top overall for crushing my soul into beautiful pieces

Best Ni no Kuni

I love the Classic Spaceman.


Wait! I'm over there! What the hell am I doing over here?!

How the hell did I make it onto the movie poster??

It's not racist but it is copyright infringement.

I think the original issue was overblown.

Gamers like to bitch about anything and everything that has no effect on them. It's ridiculous.

My home-made Borderlands costume a few Holloween's ago:

I didn't mention a lot of things, so people go rabid. Mostly so they don't feel bad about eating what they're eating. A few more responses and I'll get a check from Gizmodo for upping their page hits.

Commence your face? Really?

does ANYBODY freaking read anymore? Did I EVER say no or low carbs? Do you really think the only source of carbs is bread, pasta,potatoes, twinkies and oreos? I eat a shitload of carbs everyday. I am eating an apple right now as this topic has made me hungry!!

Well, you're just wrong. Carbs come from many more places than pasta, bread and potatoes. It's quite easy to get a ton of carbs without 'white' foods. There are these things called fruit and vegetables. Loaded with carbs.

I've been eating like this for years. LOL, what are normal foods for you? I eat meat, fruits, vegetables, eggs and so on. I guess I stay away from the normal foods like ravioli, baguettes, Twinkies and hot dogs, but I make out okay.

you can eat all the diet food, lite food, you want. The best way to lose weight safely and quickly? Eliminate (absolutely) these things from your diet:

If nobody cares about Kinect, literally nobody cares about Playstation Eye.

I'm glad they didn't include it in the console package. That means many games, if not most, won't take it into consideration. Which is fine by me. I've never been a fan of motion controls. Skyward Sword, you are my biggest regreeeeeeeeeeeeet.