
I prefer running with nothing. I like to just be alone with my thoughts, it's one of my favorite things about running. I'm generally the kind of person that can get bored easily, but it never happens when I'm running, even when out for a 20-miler.

It's going to end up in one no matter how it starts out.

This is what the new Xbox One reminds me of:

So this is where the flames comes out?

Pay me $50, I will put it together for you.

Fuck cats.

Writing with cats is for pussies.

Christ, I'm really tired of people trying to rag on paleo. Here's the deal, most people who eat paleo aren't doing it because it's how our ancestors lived, they're doing it because eating meat, fruits, veggies and nuts and avoiding grains and processed crap is healthier.

Eating natural foods that don't come from a factory and in boxes is not a fad. It is a healthy lifestyle. The basic tenet of Paleo is to only eat was available to our early ancestors. That means nothing processed. Meats and vegetables. No macaroni and cheese. No donuts. It isn't very hard to understand, unless you

I couldn't care less about the "paleo lifestyle" as some sort of philosophy. All I know is that if I eat less grain, especially the heavily processed stuff, I feel a lot better. Since switching to a MOSTLY paleo-style diet, my cholesterol has dropped below 200 for the first time in 10 years, I've lost about 25 pounds

I'll wait for the tablet version.

The problem isn't for people with larger hands, it's a problem for people WITH hands, period. The neck of a bottle, much like a wine bottle, is designed to be held with enough space for at least 2 fingers, so you are NOT gripping the body of the bottle warming up your beer.

This is this first time I have ever actually WANTED akuma to win.

I'm confused...wasn't the introduction of that iconic vortex neck only 3 or 4 years ago???

I'm glad John Locke isn't on this list.

Let's hope none of Life-Size Skeletor's dastardly schemes to acquire the power of Greyskull require him to be allowed on any amusement park rides.

I'm am unafeared by a five-foot tall Skelator. I only cower for Skelators of 7' or taller.