
I don’t know. I’m not a Bill Simmons fan, barely read anything of his these days, don’t listen to his podcast or watch his show, so I don’t really have a horse in this race—but the amount of anti Simmons mouth foaming that takes place on this site is really weird and off-putting. He’s fine. Chill out.

“Oh yeah?”

Writing man uses word “obscurantist.”

Fun (and not topically relevant) fact: The town in which this took place is Judy Garland’s childhood home, where she lived until she was 4. Her family’s house is now a museum devoted to her, and is absolutely not worth visiting unless you enjoy that special kind of ennui that comes from the desperation of small town

Apparently the Cubs are so good this year they’re just letting Little Leaguers pitch when they build a solid lead.

I remember ESPN’s old Page 2 site republished the Federer article sometime around 2006, and I was completely absorbed by it. I hadn’t read any of his other work at that point, but I just remember sitting there at my desk, spending almost a whole hour just reading this article about tennis, completely ignoring the fact

I point this out every time the topic of the Rentals comes up, but it’s so true: Everything that’s missing from “new” Weezer can be heard in The Rentals. Even though Rivers Cuomo is held up as the brains of the operation, the first Rentals album is recorded proof that Matt Sharp was far more important to Weezer than

Two balls, one strike.

I’d like to think he’ll just forget about it and move on to the next start, but as we all know, an Elfin never forgets.

Is there an option to turn off the “woo hoo”s?

“ wife, a harsh critic who thought Deadpool was merely okay.”

She’s a keeper!

“Has Trump ruined the red baseball hat?”

Fred Durst has him beat by a decade and a half.

omg (omg [omg]). You just unburied a very deep memory of playing this game. I suddenly remember it like it was yesterday, but I probably haven’t given it a second of thought in 25 years. So weird.

Joining the ranks of Darryl Strawberry and Steve Howe—your career will never be the same after falling into a pile of snow.

My head is spinning; I swore he retired this year! I remember when he pitched an inning towards the end of last season, I damn near got misty eyed that he was able to do that before capping off his career! This man should be getting the Derek Jeter Farewell Tour treatment, yet he’s stuck in Miami and apparently nobody

Truly some of the world’s best artists.

Oh come on, just when I had finally forgotten Joel Pryzbilla!

I dare anyone to be cynical about the beauty of this.

This was on WGN! Basically anyone with a standard cable package could’ve picked it up at the time. That’s part of the beauty of this game is that it happened to be a nationally televised afternoon game, so tons of people outside Chicago actually were able to see it. And I think ESPN was doing live updates about it, so

Beautiful. A couple of those pitches make me audibly bellow every time (the 10th at 1:24, 19th at 2:56, and the 20th). So great.

I also do remember watching this live, although I have to wonder if that’s one of those constructed memories that I’ve convinced myself is true over the years? I had WGN (like most of the